hard drive space issues

  • Thread starter Thread starter Belprice
  • Start date Start date


Hi everyone ,

I have two problems which are kind of related and I would be grateful for
any advise or help anyone could offer me.

1) I have a serious problem with space on my main network computer at home
and I was wondering if its possible to transfer larger files and folders from
this computer to the second computer on my wireless home network. I have one
computer downstairs and another in my office updstairs. the downstairs
computer is my main computer and I have linked this to the computer upstairs.
I know nothing about home networks , but just about managed to follow the
instructions and set one up. I noticed that I can now share files ect , but I
want to know if I can access the downstairs computers files and documents
folders and move larger files between the two computers. Also, is there any
way I can strip the downstairs computer down to the bare minuim and make more
space available on this computer.


I would also like to know if its possible for me to transfer all my
documents and settings from my old hard drive to a new larger hard drive. If
I can do this , what is the best way to do this and after i have copied all
the files, settings and folder to the new drive , can I just replace the old
drive with the new drive , pop it into my computer and start up windows as
normal. I am very stupid when it comes to these things and would be grateful
for fools instructions on any steps or advice given by anyone kind enough to
help me with these issues.

A million thanks in advance

Kind regrds
since your in the market for more space
and prepared to buy more drive, sort of

buy an external drive that can store your
files and can transport from one computer
to another.


in regards to relieving your computer of
windows and installing it onto a larger

instead of going through a lot of trouble
dealing with the operating system,
you can simply add a hard drive to that
computer as a slave.

then with a simple click move / relocate
"my documents" onto that slave drive.


I'm I firm believer in storing your personal
files off the boot disk because there may
be a time that the boot disk becomes corrupted
and windows will have to be reinstalled on it,

thus the my documents folder would be
replaced with a new and empty one.

DatabaseBen, Retired Professional
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- @Hotmail.com
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