I doubt that the rest of the hardware is compatible with XP.
Since you have the XP CD, and you have Windows 98 installed,
browse the CD and run the upgrade advisor program. You'll
probably need to spend about $300 and buy a new Dell, I have
not seen a computer with less than a 40 GB hard drive that
would run XP, they just don't make such small drives as 2 GB
anymore. A $300 Dell is a P5 or Celeron, with 256 or more
RAM and 80 GB hard drive and a CD-RW drive and comes with XP
installed. There are other brands too.
| It says I have 1.77 GB of free space available. It still
will not install.
| Any other ideas?
| Dawn
| "DhamAngry" wrote:
| > Sound like you have 2GB of total space on the entire
| > In order to do the installation you need 1.5GB of free
space. This only
| > works if your Windows 98 installation is smaller than
..5GB. I haven't used 98
| > in so long that I'm not sure what kind of space a clean
installation takes.
| > Either way, if it says you need more, you need more.
| >
| > Open My Computer and right-click on your system drive
(most likely the C:\
| > drive) and choose Properties. Here you'll see the used
and free space.
| > --
| > Please rate my responses - Thanks.
| >
| >
| >
| > "Dawn" wrote:
| >
| > > It says on the systems specs that I need 1.5 GB of
hard drive space to
| > > upgrade from Windows 98 to Windows XP. I have a
completely new computer that
| > > is 2 GB and has Windows 98 on it and nothing else.
When I try to upgrade to
| > > XP it keeps telling me I need more hard drive space.
What do I do??? I have
| > > cleared absolutely everything off the computer so I
don't know why it won't
| > > install. Is there a secret?
| > >
| > > Dawn