Hard Drive running slow

Jul 11, 2010
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I am assuming that because my C drive is running slow and not at its optimum of 7200rpmbut at only3100rpm that is likely to crash, could I have a second opinion please. Thanks.:cry:
How do you know it's spinning at half speed?

You haven't installed any of those 'Optimise your computer' software thingies have you?

Is it making odd noises? Is data taking a long time to load or is it corrupted or erroneous?

The biggest clue to imminent hard drive failure is usually laboured whining or whirry noises and data taking longer than usual to load.

Some viruses can also imitate those symptoms.
Most hdd manufacturers have free diagnostic tools that can be burnt to a cd. They are ususally fairly easy to use and should help you to see if you have a problem.
In the meantime clone your system or do a backup of major files. That is if you have not already joined the Regular Backup Brigade. :cool:
Thanks guys for the quick reply's. Well flops I have some software which measures the HD speed, but the main thing that shows is the PC takes a long time to load and run, change programs or sites on the internet. I have carried out antivirus checks with MSE and Mailwarebytes and also spyware scans with Superantispyware all with no results. The other thing this HD must be at least 8 years old but is still running silently and has been running 24/7 since I started crunching. Oh and there seems to be some problems with with bits of data on the software side as I get a warning that bits of script are missing. I am now attempting to save as much of my files as I can on to external drives Abarbarian but as the drive is running slow it is taking longer but thanks for the tip.
I think I will have to purchase a new HD as now I do not trust this one any more it has given me good service but I feel it jhas come to the end of it working life.
All things considered I think it would be wise to invest in a new HDD and clone your current setup while you still have the chance. It does sound as if it may be on it's last legs. Abarb's diagnostic software use is a good idea too, might confirm your suspicions.
Bootneck use Seatools to test your HDD

If there is a problem with it it will either give you a caution or warning yellow triangle, have used this on many drives and its never let a dodgy hard drive by yet and you don't have to use a seagate HDD either it will work with any make HDD..


If you get the all clear after using this then its definitely a virus or something else..Good luck mate