The TechSolutions flash drive I bought a few months ago writes at 5 MB/sec and reads at 13 MB/sec (tested by copying a large file). If I recall correctly I read somewhere that some flash memory operates at twice this speed.
If we take the fastest at 10 MB/s write speed, how does that compare
to HD write transfer? For example, I just copied a file that is 800 MB
in size from one HD to another (both on ch. 0) and it took 40 seconds.
That's 20 MB/sec.
I do not have any real experience with flash memory devices. People
are telling me they are very fast compared to hard disk transfers. I
am not finding that. In the case of the el cheapo flash disk, it did
the transfer at 1 MB/s, compared to 20 MB/s for 2 IDE HDs. Even if I
take your "twice the speed" figure, that's only 10 MB/s.
Something does not compute.
The write cache will stay enabled for the drive. I don't know how it works but I assume that it depends on the volume label of the drive.
Or the so-called "signature". I run into problems every time I clone a
disk and want to mount it along with the original. The two disks are
identical in every way, so Win2K BSODs. I have to use Win98 version of
FDISK /MBR to zero out the first 4 bytes of the signature (a bug in
Win98 but I am exploiting it as a feature). Then I can have both disks
mounted at the same time.