My main hard drive, IDE1 out of 2, was working fine, but recently
started clicking. It will work fine, then click, after which it sounds
like it is spinning up to speed, so it sounds like it's docking as if
the computer is being turned off. Immediately after it clicks the drive
is not accessible. Sometimes it clicks repeatedly 5 or 6 times. I
replaced the IDE cable but that didn't make any difference.
My questions are:
- is there anything I can do for the drive?
- is there any freeware I can use to save/transfer an image of the disk?
As other said, your drive is dying. Having just lost my master drive
yesterday, I am just starting to realize how much chaos this has
caused in my life. Fortunately I had just transferred all my data to
that drive about a month ago because my old drive was too full. I did
not remove thge data from the old driive and that is what I am using
now. At first I did not think I lost much, but things keep popping
up. My email is my biggest loss. I had important data that will be
hard to replace. But I just plugged in one of my new flash drives and
realize I dont have the driver for it (win98). There are other things
that are gone. Thank God I keep my photos on my slave drive, which
still works.
If I were you, I would not waste any time trying to get software.
Just plug in another harddrive and copy everything, or use CDs or
whatever. Or copy all important stuff to flash drives. THEN, you can
play around with software if your drive is still alive.
Note, Partition Magic (not freeware) will make an exact clone of the
HD, except you still need to transfer the system. At least that works
with Win98. XP and Vista may not work so easily, I dont know, I wont
use any of them. I like 98 too much and it works for my needs.
I'd start copying NOW. That drive could fail at any time. At least
you had a warning. Mine just quit without warning. However, I now
think I may have had a little warning, but I am not sure. I was
outdoors and came in. I dont have air conditioning and it was over 90
in the house. The computer was making a noisy sound like something
grinding. I just figured there was a dust ball in the fan (that
happens regularly) and I'd deal with it later. I shut off the
computer and last night when I turned it back on, it was totally dead.
That drive will not spin. I now wonder if that sound was the drive
itself grinding. It did not sound the same as the usual crud in the
fan sound. I did not even think about that sound till this morning....