Hard Drive Partitions

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Hello to all my Guru's-Ihave some questions!
My Situation.
I installed a new 160GB HD on my computer(with all data
from old HD on backup disks)
I repartitioned the new HD On the advice of a Techie
C=3-GB D=77GB E=80GB
the 3 GB was for OS but i notice now that i am low on disk
space and this is just after installing windows
2000pro,some hardware and just restoring a few data files
(these restored to "D")
what would be a appropriate size for drive to install
wondows 2000 pro?
i guess now i'm stuck with the task of repartitioning HD
and was wondering if i could clone all my partitions(using
Norton Ghost or some other cloning software)rather than
starting from scrath.
Would the repartitioned HD accept the cloned info?
any input would be greatly appreciated
Hi There,
ran into same problem before.
Recommend min. 5 GB for "basic OP disk", better 7 GB if
you wanne install some of the MS Win intrinsic files
(updates and stuff). 3 Gig is definitively not enough, I
Abt cloned info I don't know.
Good luck,
You could use a tool like Partition Magic to resize the paritions. 3GB is
definately too small, unless you are using a seperate partition to install
your applications. 5-10GB would be more suitable, but this also depends on
the size and amount of applications you intend to install. It's also a good
idea to leave some "breathing room" to add more applications down the road.
4 gig is a min these days for the OS and always install
your apps in a seperate partition than the operating system
in case of hd failure and or reinstall of the OS.

My understanding of the clone software is that you get an
exact image of what you copy, ie 3gig partition source,
you get 3gig image destination. I suggest you backup your
data, use PM to repartition your disk, and you might have
to do a repair install after restore of the clone backup,
due to change of the partition size, w2k is VERY picky
The newer cloning software is a lot smarter (at least Ghost is). You can
restore, for example, a 3GB image into a 10GB partition without problems.
The restored partition will be 10GB in size and Win2k does not have any
problems with it, at least in all my experiences.
Not so. DriveImage from Power Quest has had the
ability to restore images into any size partition for
at least 5 years (assuming, of course, that it is
sufficiently large to take the image!).