TinkersToys said:
A new install of XP Pro will not see my Maxtor D drive. Computer Management
sees the drive and says it has files, active and healthy.NTFS but no drive
letter.Can only delete partition. What needs to be done so drive is
Jumpers are right and have moved to IDE2 channel. Bios sees the drive
but XP will not. What to do to see and use this drive with out loss of
We'll assume the HDD is non-defective, but in the meantime why don't you
download the Maxtor HDD diagnostic and check it out just to make sure.
We'll further assume that your boot drive boots without incident and
functions without any problems, right?
So do this...
Disconnect the Maxtor and boot only with your boot drive connected.
Shut down the machine and reconnect the Maxtor as a secondary HDD. Make
certain you've correctly connected & configured that HDD. I assume you
originally connected/configured it as Primary Slave.
If still no go, try connecting the HDD as Secondary Master, also as
Secondary Slave. Try both Cable Select & Master/Slave jumper positions.
What about trying a different data cable?
You say the Maxtor has files on it. Where did those files come from? Another
machine? Or was it working in this machine and all of a sudden this
non-recognition problem arose? Do you have another machine so that you can
install the Maxtor as a secondary HDD in that machine to see if there's a
similar non-recognition problem?
I just noticed that you indicated this is a new install of XP. Was the
Maxtor connected during the time you installed the OS? That could be a
problem. If possible, one should always disconnect all secondary storage
devices when XP is being installed. Anyway, try the above to see if that
resolves the problem.