I had posted before you replied, the lights are LED "light
emitting diodes" The key word is diode, they only pas
current in one direction.
I said that a short in the mobo might be the cause if
current is getting to the LED all the time. The problem
could even be a jumper on the drive for all I know.
If the LED flickers a little bit it would indicate that
there are read/writes actually going on and there is not a
short powering the light.
Boot into safe mode and see if it works properly, if so
there is some program, that is constantly using the hard
drive, it could be a virus, a disk indexing function, or
some other background program. Try closing services and see
when the problem starts up.
"Ivan T Williams" <
[email protected]>
wrote in message
| I would'nt say that there was a short on the MB simply
| because when I reversed the cable the light did not come
| on. Also, I had another case - prebuilt from Compaq - and
| that was the same thing, i.e. hard drive light always on.
| Strange, no?
| >-----Original Message-----
| >If the light never came on that would work, the LED has
| >have the correct polarity. But his problem is the light
| >never goes out. That could be a short in the mobo, some
| >software fault showing the drives are being constantly
| >accessed or the drives might be in constant use by some
| >program. The question in my mind is there any
| >or flickering in the light? If so, the problem is
| software,
| >if steady it is likely a hardware fault.
| >
| >
| >"Richard Urban" <
[email protected]>
| >in message | (e-mail address removed)...
| >| Reverse the 2 pin plug for the hard drive indicator on
| the
| >M/B.
| >|
| >| --
| >| Regards:
| >|
| >| Richard Urban
| >|
| >| aka Crusty (-: Old B@stard

| >|
| >| "Ivan T Williams" <
[email protected]>
| >wrote in message
| >| | >| > Just put a new PC together; hard drive light is
| >constantly
| >| > on, no virus, since I've not connected it to the
| >internet
| >| > yet. Drives and cables connected correctly; tested
| >and
| >| > old Hard Drives, does that mean it's Win XP Pro
| causing
| >| > this issue? Any ideas? Must be someone out there with
| >the
| >| > same issue...
| >|
| >|
| >
| >
| >.
| >