Hard Drive light on NEW ASUS MB and New Cooler Case

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ivan T Williams
  • Start date Start date

Ivan T Williams

Just put a new PC together; hard drive light is constantly
on, no virus, since I've not connected it to the internet
yet. Drives and cables connected correctly; tested new and
old Hard Drives, does that mean it's Win XP Pro causing
this issue? Any ideas? Must be someone out there with the
same issue...
Since you built the PC yourself, you probably made a
connection error when attaching the wires to the front
panel header on your motherboard. Review the wiring
diagram that came with your motherboard and correct
any connection errors.

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User

Be Smart! Protect your PC!


| Just put a new PC together; hard drive light is constantly
| on, no virus, since I've not connected it to the internet
| yet. Drives and cables connected correctly; tested new and
| old Hard Drives, does that mean it's Win XP Pro causing
| this issue? Any ideas? Must be someone out there with the
| same issue...
Double check the hard drive light just to be sure it is on
the correct header on the mobo. It could be a short in the
mobo. Is the light flickering at all or is it steady?

"Ivan T Williams" <[email protected]>
wrote in message
| Just put a new PC together; hard drive light is constantly
| on, no virus, since I've not connected it to the internet
| yet. Drives and cables connected correctly; tested new and
| old Hard Drives, does that mean it's Win XP Pro causing
| this issue? Any ideas? Must be someone out there with the
| same issue...
I believe I read a post on an Asus ng regarding this being specific to a
particular mb and as such it was a Asus bug/problem.
try alt.comp.periphs.mainboard.asus
Reverse the 2 pin plug for the hard drive indicator on the M/B.


Richard Urban

aka Crusty (-: Old B@stard :-)
If the light never came on that would work, the LED has to
have the correct polarity. But his problem is the light
never goes out. That could be a short in the mobo, some
software fault showing the drives are being constantly
accessed or the drives might be in constant use by some
program. The question in my mind is there any fluctuation
or flickering in the light? If so, the problem is software,
if steady it is likely a hardware fault.

in message | Reverse the 2 pin plug for the hard drive indicator on the
| --
| Regards:
| Richard Urban
| aka Crusty (-: Old B@stard :-)
| "Ivan T Williams" <[email protected]>
wrote in message
| | > Just put a new PC together; hard drive light is
| > on, no virus, since I've not connected it to the
| > yet. Drives and cables connected correctly; tested new
| > old Hard Drives, does that mean it's Win XP Pro causing
| > this issue? Any ideas? Must be someone out there with
| > same issue...
Did that and the light NEVER comes on, thus they way I had
it was correct on the motherboard.
I would'nt say that there was a short on the MB simply
because when I reversed the cable the light did not come
on. Also, I had another case - prebuilt from Compaq - and
that was the same thing, i.e. hard drive light always on.
Strange, no?
I had posted before you replied, the lights are LED "light
emitting diodes" The key word is diode, they only pas
current in one direction.

I said that a short in the mobo might be the cause if
current is getting to the LED all the time. The problem
could even be a jumper on the drive for all I know.

If the LED flickers a little bit it would indicate that
there are read/writes actually going on and there is not a
short powering the light.

Boot into safe mode and see if it works properly, if so
there is some program, that is constantly using the hard
drive, it could be a virus, a disk indexing function, or
some other background program. Try closing services and see
when the problem starts up.

"Ivan T Williams" <[email protected]>
wrote in message
| I would'nt say that there was a short on the MB simply
| because when I reversed the cable the light did not come
| on. Also, I had another case - prebuilt from Compaq - and
| that was the same thing, i.e. hard drive light always on.
| Strange, no?
| >-----Original Message-----
| >If the light never came on that would work, the LED has
| >have the correct polarity. But his problem is the light
| >never goes out. That could be a short in the mobo, some
| >software fault showing the drives are being constantly
| >accessed or the drives might be in constant use by some
| >program. The question in my mind is there any
| >or flickering in the light? If so, the problem is
| software,
| >if steady it is likely a hardware fault.
| >
| >
| >"Richard Urban" <[email protected]>
| >in message | (e-mail address removed)...
| >| Reverse the 2 pin plug for the hard drive indicator on
| the
| >M/B.
| >|
| >| --
| >| Regards:
| >|
| >| Richard Urban
| >|
| >| aka Crusty (-: Old B@stard :-)
| >|
| >| "Ivan T Williams" <[email protected]>
| >wrote in message
| >| | >| > Just put a new PC together; hard drive light is
| >constantly
| >| > on, no virus, since I've not connected it to the
| >internet
| >| > yet. Drives and cables connected correctly; tested
| >and
| >| > old Hard Drives, does that mean it's Win XP Pro
| causing
| >| > this issue? Any ideas? Must be someone out there with
| >the
| >| > same issue...
| >|
| >|
| >
| >
| >.
| >
I thin I've got it. I have a CD-RW and a DVD player, if I
disconnect the DVD, the HDD LED works like it's supposed
too. If I have the DVD in and the CD-RW out, the HDD led
stays lit, so this must be something to do with the IDE
DVD Rom 16x that I have. At least I know I'm not going

p.s: Thanks for all your help...
Interesting? I wonder if the DVD was/is jumpered
incorrectly, was it on the same cable as the CD-RW or was it
sharing the hard drive cable?

You might try having both optical drives on the secondary
IDE and the hard drive on the primary.

"Ivan T Williams" <[email protected]>
wrote in message
| I thin I've got it. I have a CD-RW and a DVD player, if I
| disconnect the DVD, the HDD LED works like it's supposed
| too. If I have the DVD in and the CD-RW out, the HDD led
| stays lit, so this must be something to do with the IDE
| DVD Rom 16x that I have. At least I know I'm not going
| mad...
| p.s: Thanks for all your help...
| >-----Original Message-----
| >I had posted before you replied, the lights are LED
| >emitting diodes" The key word is diode, they only pas
| >current in one direction.
| >
| >I said that a short in the mobo might be the cause if
| >current is getting to the LED all the time. The problem
| >could even be a jumper on the drive for all I know.
| >
| >If the LED flickers a little bit it would indicate that
| >there are read/writes actually going on and there is not
| >short powering the light.
| >
| >Boot into safe mode and see if it works properly, if so
| >there is some program, that is constantly using the hard
| >drive, it could be a virus, a disk indexing function, or
| >some other background program. Try closing services and
| see
| >when the problem starts up.
I have two hard drives on one IDE and the CD-RW and DVD on
the other. The DVD is set to slave, and is in slave
position on the IDE cable. CD-RW is set to master and is
in the master position on the same IDE cable, with all
jumpers set correctly...

This is very strange, wonder if anyone else has a similiar
Hi Ivan

My system have a HDD plug as master to primary IDE, a dvd-rom as master + a cd-rw as slave to secondary IDE. the LED work ok (at least not always lite-up). Is your optical drive able to work in the original connection? The LED always lite-up (not flickering) even during normal usage

cheers, C

----- Ivan T Williams wrote: ----

I have two hard drives on one IDE and the CD-RW and DVD on
the other. The DVD is set to slave, and is in slave
position on the IDE cable. CD-RW is set to master and is
in the master position on the same IDE cable, with all
jumpers set correctly..

This is very strange, wonder if anyone else has a similiar
I've found the issue, it's my DVD drive. Today, booted up
and it hung at the "detecting ide's" screen. Could not
figure it out, then powered it off - the PC that is - took
the power from the DVD drive, booted up, and presto, it
booted fine.
Plugged the DVD back in, same issue. So now awaiting
Pacific Digital to tell me when I can get a new DVD

-----Original Message-----
Hi Ivan,

My system have a HDD plug as master to primary IDE, a dvd-
rom as master + a cd-rw as slave to secondary IDE. the LED
work ok (at least not always lite-up). Is your optical
drive able to work in the original connection? The LED
always lite-up (not flickering) even during normal usage?