Hard drive is filling itself?



This is extremely annoying, as I have removed program after program only to
have this problem continue. I am running XP sp2(media center) and for
instance last night I removed programs leaving 500MB left on the hard drive.
I woke up this morning to the low hard drive message, looked at the space
left and viewed only 4MB left.

Since then I have scanned my system with Norton AntiVirus(clean bill of
health per Norton) and delete all temp files. I tried to defrag the drive,
but it said it needed more hard drive space. After deleting temp files my
storage went from 4MB to 898, but now a few hours later my hard drive space
is down to 750. The only activity I have been doing is surfing the net via

I hope someone can offer some advice, I really do not want to reformat this
hard drive(uugggg)!

Cheers, Chaser

Uncle Grumpy

Chaser7016 said:
I hope someone can offer some advice, I really do not want to reformat this
hard drive(uugggg)!

Get a larger hard drive and clone the old one to it.


Chaser7016 said:
This is extremely annoying, as I have removed program after program only to
have this problem continue. I am running XP sp2(media center) and for
instance last night I removed programs leaving 500MB left on the hard drive.
I woke up this morning to the low hard drive message, looked at the space
left and viewed only 4MB left.

Since then I have scanned my system with Norton AntiVirus(clean bill of
health per Norton) and delete all temp files. I tried to defrag the drive,
but it said it needed more hard drive space. After deleting temp files my
storage went from 4MB to 898, but now a few hours later my hard drive space
is down to 750. The only activity I have been doing is surfing the net via

I hope someone can offer some advice, I really do not want to reformat this
hard drive(uugggg)!

Cheers, Chaser

How big is your hard drive?

Run CCleaner from www.ccleaner.com and see if it clears up some more
space. Did you empty the temp files in Firefox?


Kerry Brown

Chaser7016 said:
This is extremely annoying, as I have removed program after program
only to have this problem continue. I am running XP sp2(media
center) and for instance last night I removed programs leaving 500MB
left on the hard drive. I woke up this morning to the low hard drive
message, looked at the space left and viewed only 4MB left.

Since then I have scanned my system with Norton AntiVirus(clean bill
of health per Norton) and delete all temp files. I tried to defrag
the drive, but it said it needed more hard drive space. After
deleting temp files my storage went from 4MB to 898, but now a few
hours later my hard drive space is down to 750. The only activity I
have been doing is surfing the net via Firefox.

I hope someone can offer some advice, I really do not want to
reformat this hard drive(uugggg)!

Cheers, Chaser

Have you set it to record any TV shows?


Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE

Chaser7016 said:
This is extremely annoying, as I have removed program after program
only to have this problem continue. I am running XP sp2(media
center) and for instance last night I removed programs leaving 500MB
left on the hard drive. I woke up this morning to the low hard drive
message, looked at the space left and viewed only 4MB left.

Since then I have scanned my system with Norton AntiVirus(clean bill
of health per Norton) and delete all temp files. I tried to defrag
the drive, but it said it needed more hard drive space. After
deleting temp files my storage went from 4MB to 898, but now a few
hours later my hard drive space is down to 750. The only activity I
have been doing is surfing the net via Firefox.

I hope someone can offer some advice, I really do not want to
reformat this hard drive(uugggg)!

Cheers, Chaser

Tools | Internet Options
Click Settings in the Temporary Internet files section and set it to 50 MB.
Then (on the General tab) click Delete Files and check the box to delete all
offline content.

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE
Please respond in Newsgroup. Do not send email
Protect your PC

Charlie Tame

Does right click on my computer icon > select properties show a "restore"
tab... if it does turn off system restore and see if that gives any space
back. I don't know if media center has this or not.

try help and system restore for more info


This is extremely annoying, as I have removed program after program only to
have this problem continue. I am running XP sp2(media center) and for
instance last night I removed programs leaving 500MB left on the hard drive.
I woke up this morning to the low hard drive message, looked at the space
left and viewed only 4MB left.

Since then I have scanned my system with Norton AntiVirus(clean bill of
health per Norton) and delete all temp files. I tried to defrag the drive,
but it said it needed more hard drive space. After deleting temp files my
storage went from 4MB to 898, but now a few hours later my hard drive space
is down to 750. The only activity I have been doing is surfing the net via

I hope someone can offer some advice, I really do not want to reformat this
hard drive(uugggg)!

Cheers, Chaser

What's Safe to Delete:

Do not delete the "C:\WINDOWS\$hf_mig$" folder.
Description of the contents of Windows XP Service Pack 2 and Windows Server 2003 software update
packages. http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=824994

Remove Hotfix Backup Files

If your OS is running fine, delete all but the latest System Restore Point:
Click Start, Accessories, System tools, Disk Cleanup, "More Options" tab, "System Restore"
section, "Clean up" button, click "Yes"

Click Start, Settings, Control Panel, Internet Options, click the "General" tab, Under
"Temporary Internet Files", click the "Delete Files" button, check the box, "Delete all offline
content", "OK". After it finishes, click the "Settings" button and lower the amount of disk
space to use to 10 Meg. Click "OK", "Apply". That will increase your hard drive space by how
much was in that folder. I've seen it well over a gig. Folders that big are prone to crosslinked
files. Clear it weekly, or sooner, especially if IE starts acting funny. Better yet: Click the
"Advanced" tab, scroll down to "Security", and check the box, "Empty Temporary Internet Files
folder when browser is closed", click "Apply", "OK"

All that should get you back a couple of gigs. Go buy yourself a 200 Gig drive Christmas
present and use Norton Ghost to duplicate your old drive to the new, larger drive. $cheap.

Gerry Cornell

Do you use Norton Utilities and Norton Protected Storage
Norton Protected Storage?


Hope this helps.

Stourport, England

Enquire, plan and execute


Chaser7016 said:
This is extremely annoying, as I have removed program after program only
have this problem continue. I am running XP sp2(media center) and for
instance last night I removed programs leaving 500MB left on the hard
I woke up this morning to the low hard drive message, looked at the space
left and viewed only 4MB left.

Since then I have scanned my system with Norton AntiVirus(clean bill of
health per Norton) and delete all temp files. I tried to defrag the
but it said it needed more hard drive space. After deleting temp files my
storage went from 4MB to 898, but now a few hours later my hard drive
is down to 750. The only activity I have been doing is surfing the net

I hope someone can offer some advice, I really do not want to reformat
hard drive(uugggg)!

Cheers, Chaser

You might like to try filemon from sysinternals to see what it is thats
writing to the disk, and what the file is that is being created




=?Utf-8?B?Q2hhc2VyNzAxNg==?= said:
This is extremely annoying, as I have removed program after program only to
have this problem continue. I am running XP sp2(media center) and for
instance last night I removed programs leaving 500MB left on the hard drive.
I woke up this morning to the low hard drive message, looked at the space
left and viewed only 4MB left.

Well, a virus or trojan or spyware may be using up space. But still, if
you have a hard drive with only 500 megs left free AFTER removing
unwanted items then it really means you need a way larger hard drive.

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