Hard drive contents all change to read only



I accidentally posted this in the Media Center forum originally (my apologies)

Here is a strange problem. I have Windows XP SP2 with very little loaded on
the hard drive other than the OS. Just out of the blue, I can only view
files, but not edit them.

To fix the problem, I have to Explore to the C drive, Select All the folders
in that directory, Right click and then Uncheck read only. At that time,
things are fine until a day or so later, they all revert back to read only.

Any ideas?


The read only attribute is by default and poses no real problem, no matter
how much you try you won't get any folder to stay without the read-only
check mark and as long as files are not read only there is no real problem,
but IF files do have the read only attribute it's a matter of reassigning
attributes in the C:\ drive security... read the following KB article for
that information. And scan your system with antispyware programs just in
case it's all due to spyware infection.

How to set, view, change, or remove file and folder permissions in Windows

Spyware programs download. Adaware SE, Spybot S & D and SpywareBlaster are
the most recommended.

Wesley Vogel

HOW TO: Take Ownership of a File or Folder in Windows XP

Read-only means nothing for folders. Only a file can be Read-only.

The Read-only check box for folders is there for convenience, it allows you
to change the Read-only attribute of all the files contained in that folder.

The HELP question mark (?) explains it this way.
[[Specifies whether the files in this folder are read-only, which means that
they cannot be changed or accidentally deleted.

For multiple folders, if you select this check box all of the files in the
folders will be read-only. If you clear the check box, none of the files in
the selected folders will be read-only.]]

[[Apply the read-only attribute to folder contents

A folder itself cannot be made read-only. Nevertheless, the properties
dialog box for a folder does include a read-only check box. You can use
this check box to set or clear the read-only attribute for all existing
files in the selected folder. This action has no bearing on files that you
create subsequently.

In most cases, when you open the properties dialog box for a folder, the
Read-Only check box will contain a green square. This indicates either a
mixed or undetermined condition. Windows displays this green square because
it would take too long to check the state of the read-only attribute for
every file in the folder. To apply the read-only attribute to the contents
of a folder, click the check box until a check mark appears. To clear the
attribute, click the check box until it is empty. When you leave the dialog
box, Windows asks whether you want to apply your action to subfolders and
files. Be sure you select this option; if you select Apply Changes To This
Folder Only, nothing at all happens.]]
Microsoft Windows XP Inside Out Deluxe, Second Edition
Author Ed Bott, Carl Siechert, Craig Stinson

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User


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