Hard Drive Clicking


Feb 23, 2002
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The dreaded hard drive clicking has happened to my PC :eek: It caused a freeze up about 10 mins ago, but thankfully I've been able to restart and get into Windows (very slowly!).

Backing up all my important docs again now, just in case it refuses to boot next time.

Thankfully I've got a Linux Live CD, so I'm going to perform some drive checks and see what's up. :thumb: Already looking for new ones to buy, as I don't fancy risking it failing totally at any point soon.
Damn, I hate it when that happens.

A timely reminder to do regular backups. I usually do important stuff to DVD about once a fortnight but I've been lax lately.

Is the drive still under warranty? Some manufacturers give a three year warranty.

I've been pleased with Hitachi and Samsung recently but I think they're all much of a muchness.

The Samsung's do run quieter than my others though, although the difference is negligible when compared to newer HDD's, the Hitachi's for instance.
This one is a Maxtor (I think), I need to open the PC up and check which drive is causing the problem though. Since I've done a full image backup, the drive hasn't clicked at all.

Unfortunately, because I bought an OEM drive I have a feeling it only comes with a 1 year warranty. I need to double check this though, as you could be right :thumb:

On my personal PC, I usually do a full image backup every month and then periodic smaller backups of the very important stuff. It wouldn't have been the end of the world if it had gone completely, but there are e-mails from the past week I'd lose.

Ironically, I'm using Seagate's free version of Acronis to do the free backups. I've lost a few Seagate Deathstar drives over the years, so I'm glad they are paying something back :lol:
Sorry guys,
What exactly does this clicking sound like? Mine clicks all the time....am in trouble???
captain zed said:
Sorry guys,
What exactly does this clicking sound like? Mine clicks all the time....am in trouble???

Sounds like it mate a hdd should not be making a clicking noise. I suggest you backup any data you have on it.
captain zed said:
Sorry guys,
What exactly does this clicking sound like? Mine clicks all the time....am in trouble???

Only if it's a loud click, not just a background sound - many hard drives buzz or have small clicking sounds when they are being accessed. If it's a loud click, like tapping a couple of coins together quite hard - then that's a problem.
Sorry to hear you are having a problem Ian, but this thread has been enlightening for people like me. That is an excellent link Mucks, it explains things well and to actually be able to hear the sound of the "click of death" is really helpful :thumb: (Also set my mind at rest about the odd "chink" we sometimes hear.) :nod:
Thanks lads,
Its probably just my hard drive working or moving about.....when i was younger i used to make hard drives and now i wish i paid more attention to how they worked instead of just pumping them,,,,,youth is wasted on the young i tell ya's.
Thanks again
Just checked the warranty, you were right Flops it is still covered - and I've got until Dec 2009 :D

I'm now booting from a Hitachi drive which I think works, and the Maxtor is now disabled. Hopefully my PC will work and I can confirm it's the Maxtor that is knackered :)
Good news :)

Must admit, I've been pleasantly surprised to find some failed HDD's of mine have been covered by warranty and I've never yet had a prob with being sent a new drive.

Apart from having to pay the postage to send the old HDD back of course but I ain't gonna complain too loudly about that.

Can't remember which manufacturer it was now but one failed HDD I had to send to Holland for a replacement.
Hello Ian.

Your description of the "click of death" matches up with the noise we are getting from our PCs H/D. Can anything be done about it,I mean can it be repaired? I tried the link to Wikapedia to hear the noise it makes but it wouldn`t let me open the file.
Hi historian,

If the drive is under warranty then you can send it back for replacement. I would suggest you back up all the data on the drive and then send it back, to check if the drive is still under warranty go to the makers website and enter the serial number to check. Does this noise happen all the time?
I got a very loud strange ping outta my external HD today.....my girlfriend had been tidying up and turned it upside down and never turned it back....i came back and powered it up and heard the ping......hope its not damaged.
wizkid said:
Hi historian,

If the drive is under warranty then you can send it back for replacement. I would suggest you back up all the data on the drive and then send it back, to check if the drive is still under warranty go to the makers website and enter the serial number to check. Does this noise happen all the time?

Hello Wizkid.
Thanks for your reply.
The computer,together with the H/D,is over 4 years old.
No it doesn`t make the clicking noise all the time.But when it does every thing freezes up and I have to shut it down for a while,like giving it a rest.And then I turn it on again and all is well for quite a few days.
historian said:
Hello Wizkid.
Thanks for your reply.
The computer,together with the H/D,is over 4 years old.
No it doesn`t make the clicking noise all the time.But when it does every thing freezes up and I have to shut it down for a while,like giving it a rest.And then I turn it on again and all is well for quite a few days.


Ok still sounds as if its faulty and its doing it when in its in use? 4 years is about the average life span really for a hard drive. What make is it Seagate drives come with a 5 year warrntry, if the drive is out of warranty then the best thing you can do is back up your data and then bin it and get a new drive.
captain zed said:
I got a very loud strange ping outta my external HD today.....my girlfriend had been tidying up and turned it upside down and never turned it back....i came back and powered it up and heard the ping......hope its not damaged.

It could be the hard drive platters or the reader sloting back into place, does the drive work ok??
Ian Cunningham said:
The dreaded hard drive clicking has happened to my PC :eek: It caused a freeze up about 10 mins ago, but thankfully I've been able to restart and get into Windows (very slowly!).

Backing up all my important docs again now, just in case it refuses to boot next time.

Thankfully I've got a Linux Live CD, so I'm going to perform some drive checks and see what's up. :thumb: Already looking for new ones to buy, as I don't fancy risking it failing totally at any point soon.

Hello Ian.

My computer almost failed to boot this afternoon,I`ve been having trouble with it on and off for a few months. Like your h/d the thing is clicking more than ever. To day a notice came up via Microsoft to tell me that there is an error on the H/D. So now I need to change to a new H/D. I`ve made a back up of the internal h/d onto my stand alone one,I`ve made a disk image.
My question is when I get this new h/d and fit it in,do I just transfer the image I`ve created straight over to the new h/d,o/s and all, it seems to easy? Can you,or other members,give any idea of what happens please,and where to I shop for a new H/D.
Many thanks.