Hard Drive Clean up



I have a newer laptop running XP Pro service pack 2. My hard drive disk space
is shrinking. Is there a safe, easy to use program that will clean up things,
like BAK, and Temp files.


in addition to the
other methods suggested:

you can also use windows
explorer search companion
to search for your
*.bak or *.tmp files
and send them to the
recycle bin.

also you can save each search
criterion to the desktop.

- db
I have a newer laptop running XP Pro service pack 2. My hard drive disk space
is shrinking. Is there a safe, easy to use program that will clean up things,
like BAK, and Temp files.


In addition to Disk Cleanup do " Start>Run>%temp%". By default XP does not
move all deleted files to the Recycle Bin - it "keeps" many files "around"
for a period of time (not sure- 2 weeks) on the premise you may change your


Put them on the hard drive that the OP is trying to clean up??? What the
heck kind of answer is that??? Find them then put them somewhere else on
your hard drive is what you just suggested to the poster. How is that
cleaning it up???

"db" <databaseben.discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
in addition to the
other methods suggested:

you can also use windows
explorer search companion
to search for your
*.bak or *.tmp files
and send them to the
recycle bin.

also you can save each search
criterion to the desktop.

- db
I have a newer laptop running XP Pro service pack 2. My hard drive disk
is shrinking. Is there a safe, easy to use program that will clean up
like BAK, and Temp files.

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