Hard Drive Activity upon startup



When I start my laptop up on Vista Ultimate it goes into the desktop and
there is alot of hard drive activity for a few minutes. I have looked in the
resource monitor and seen that it is windows services like svchost but I want
to know if it could be anything else and how to improve this.

Rick Rogers


Superfetch, Indexing, Defragging, Antivirus scanning, Spyware scanning

All the above can cause drive activity at boot up, as can any other process
added to the startup axis. As long as it subside relatively quickly, I would
not be concerned.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Windows help - www.rickrogers.org
My thoughts http://rick-mvp.blogspot.com


JamesP said:
When I start my laptop up on Vista Ultimate it goes into the desktop and
there is alot of hard drive activity for a few minutes. I have looked in
resource monitor and seen that it is windows services like svchost but I
to know if it could be anything else and how to improve this.

There are a number of things going on. One is "super fetch" loading apps
that you're likely to use (based on past behavior). Another is indexing,
and if you're using ReadyBoost then the contents of the page-file are being
copied to the flash drive. I stopped using ReadyBoost since it didn't do
make much difference - I have two gigs of ram - and that reduced disk
activity during startup. I also disabled indexing on all partitions except
C: Hope this helps.

Milhouse Van Houten

Victek said:
There are a number of things going on. One is "super fetch" loading apps
that you're likely to use (based on past behavior). Another is indexing,
and if you're using ReadyBoost then the contents of the page-file are
being copied to the flash drive. I stopped using ReadyBoost since it
didn't do make much difference - I have two gigs of ram - and that reduced
disk activity during startup. I also disabled indexing on all partitions
except C: Hope this helps.

Indexing shouldn't have been enabled by default on other partitions at all,
so I'm not sure what you were changing. MS limits the scope to just a few
areas, like your documents, profile, mail. That's why when people complain
about wild disk activity, particularly if they haven't just installed Vista
in the last day or two, it's more likely to be the first thing you mentioned
(SuperFetch) than indexing. It particularly likes to work just after

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