Hard Disks with Flash Memory or USB STicks

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When I looked at Vista features last fall I seem to remember that it was
going to feature fast startup times by using hard drives with embedded Flash
memory or by using the memory in external USB flash memory devices.

Does Vista have this capability? Does it actually work well?

Thanks.. Dave
Windows ReadyBoost can use storage space on some removable media devices,
such as USB flash drives, to speed up your computer. When you insert a device
with this capability, the AutoPlay dialog will offer you the option to speed up your
system using Windows ReadyBoost. If you select this option, you can then choose
how much memory to use for this purpose. However, there are some situations
where you may not be able to use all of the memory on your storage device to
speed up your computer.

Some universal serial bus (USB) storage devices contain both slow and fast flash
memory, and Windows can only use fast flash memory to speed up your computer.
So if your device contains both slow and fast memory, keep in mind that you can
only use the fast memory portion for this purpose.

The recommended amount of memory to use for ReadyBoost acceleration is one
to three times the amount of random access memory (RAM) installed in your computer.
For instance, if your computer has 512 megabytes (MB) of RAM and you plug in a
4 gigabyte (GB) USB flash drive, setting aside from 512 MB to 1.5 GB of that drive
will offer the best performance boost.

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows - Shell/User



When I looked at Vista features last fall I seem to remember that it was
going to feature fast startup times by using hard drives with embedded Flash
memory or by using the memory in external USB flash memory devices.

Does Vista have this capability? Does it actually work well?

Thanks.. Dave
The board looks cool. I couldn't find the ReadyBoost feature listed on the
product page or the NewEgg purchase page. But ASUS site says it is part of
the Vista package. Checking the package view I couldn't see the RB board
either. I wonder if it's an option?

Yes, it works great. But I haven't seen any affordable hybrid drives yet.
Asus is about to release a motherboard with 4GB or ReadyBoost right on the
board. But you an actually use any flash memory that has enough random I/O
speed to justify using it as ReadyBoost memory.