Feel free to snip my ramblings below, but my question in short is, will I be
able to hear a Western Digital Caviar (WD2500JB - in 200GB or 250GB) when
inside a PC case, under a desk in a silent room. Now, nowhere is ever
silent, but this room is truely quiet - I have designed it this way. The
only thing that would stop me hearing a pin drop is the carpet! So will I be
irritated by a whine from this drive, or should I get another whisper quiet
Samsung Spinpoint?
I am very sensitive to (irritated by) PC 'hum' and hard disk 'whine', so
have spent a great deal of effort in silencing my PC with zalman equipment
from QuietPC. The only noise I hear is makes is a faint spinning from the
Samsung Spinpoint drive and the clicking sound of the heads (which is fine).
The quiet buzz produced by my desk lamp is louder than my PC. However, I've
filled my HD with junk and I don't want to delete most of it, so I need
another hard disk.
I have had bad experiences with several Maxtors in the past and very good
experience with Western Digital drives, so I would like a WD drive. I asked
the other day about hard disk sound levels and Paul pointed me to
http://www.storagereview.com/comparison.html with a warning that raw decibel
readings tell you nothing about the pitch or annoyance of the noise
produced. According to the readings on that website, there is very little
difference in sound levels, so I would like some real world opinion on the
noise levels between the Samsung Spinpoint hard disk and the Western Digital
Caviar hard disk.
The day WD can produce a silent and affordable Raptor, then I'll buy it!!
able to hear a Western Digital Caviar (WD2500JB - in 200GB or 250GB) when
inside a PC case, under a desk in a silent room. Now, nowhere is ever
silent, but this room is truely quiet - I have designed it this way. The
only thing that would stop me hearing a pin drop is the carpet! So will I be
irritated by a whine from this drive, or should I get another whisper quiet
Samsung Spinpoint?
I am very sensitive to (irritated by) PC 'hum' and hard disk 'whine', so
have spent a great deal of effort in silencing my PC with zalman equipment
from QuietPC. The only noise I hear is makes is a faint spinning from the
Samsung Spinpoint drive and the clicking sound of the heads (which is fine).
The quiet buzz produced by my desk lamp is louder than my PC. However, I've
filled my HD with junk and I don't want to delete most of it, so I need
another hard disk.
I have had bad experiences with several Maxtors in the past and very good
experience with Western Digital drives, so I would like a WD drive. I asked
the other day about hard disk sound levels and Paul pointed me to
http://www.storagereview.com/comparison.html with a warning that raw decibel
readings tell you nothing about the pitch or annoyance of the noise
produced. According to the readings on that website, there is very little
difference in sound levels, so I would like some real world opinion on the
noise levels between the Samsung Spinpoint hard disk and the Western Digital
Caviar hard disk.
The day WD can produce a silent and affordable Raptor, then I'll buy it!!