Hard Disk Problems

Mar 15, 2009
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The other day when i tried to turn my computer on one of my hard disks is no long recognised, i've check all the cables and changed them and moved them etc.

When i boot the computer it hangs on the POST screen for a long time and then finally boots. If i disconnect the affected hard drive it works as normal.

Another wierd thing i noticed recently before this happened was when i turned the surge strip on that the computer is connected to the power light flashes and there is a popping noise for a while, the computer isn't on and it won't let me turn it on till this stops.

Also when the computer is on the hard disk led is constantly on.

I don't know if my hard disk has died or what. I've taken the disk out and listened to it and i can hear it spinning up.

Other than this when my computer is on it works fine as i have windows installed on a different hard disk

If anyone has any suggestions please post them, thanks.
Yeah sounds like there could be a fault on the drive circuit of the hard drive. When it's connected up to your pc and when it finally boots into Windows can you see / access it at all?
Nope windows can't find anything. The bios doesn't recognise it either.

I still get the flashing power led problem even when the hard disk is unplugged. That is worrying me, makes me think something related to that caused the hard disk to fail. Any ideas?