hard coded printer in report

  • Thread starter Thread starter Turbo [GEEK]
  • Start date Start date

Turbo [GEEK]

Here is our dillema, please please help fix it..

we have a report which is based on query results.. it seems that when the
report is run and displays on the screen and you hit the little printer
button on the toolbar it defaults to a printer on our network, I dont want
it to go there. I removed all printers from my machine and run report.
When going to file print, it says "you have no printers installed" but...
when you click the little printer icon it still sends it to that other
printer.. where can I go change this?


That should print to whatever your default printer is.

If you wish to specify a printer for this report only, then go to design
view and select Page Setup from the File menu. In the PAGE tab, select the
"Use Specific Printer" radio button.
Man how did I overlook that... changed from specific printer to default
printer and we are all happy now..

