Happy Haloween Guys

May 18, 2004
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Anyone doing anything interesting for Haloween? I am... not...I'm working my ass off...

You all got pumpkins?
The only thing I'm doing is boarding up the windows ready for the Trick-or-Treat merchants.......:eek:
I don't really 'get' the whole Halloween thing - I've never been trick-or-treating and never had any trick-or-treaters call! It just seems to pass me by year after year :rolleyes:
Not doing anything special unless there's a party on tonight for it! :) Used to like making pumpkins when I was little, but now I'm not too keen on it!
we've never had trick or treaters knock, and i dont see what all the fuss is about either becks, me im stuck developing some ideas for my product design project :(
Worst holiday of the year bar none.

The best thing thats ever happened on this day is me mate once heated up a 2 pence piece red hot and put it in a trick or treaters hand. I was in tears!
Reefsmoka said:
Worst holiday of the year bar none.

The best thing thats ever happened on this day is me mate once heated up a 2 pence piece red hot and put it in a trick or treaters hand. I was in tears!

I've always liked Halloween as a kid... it was just an excuse to have fun and destroy our town. We used to walk around with cartons of eggs and cans of shaving cream...(for the shaving cream we melted the nozels close and then made tiny pin holes...this would allow you to squirt the mess about 10ft or more)

Plus the free candy... but whats sad is when it got out of hand.. NAIR baloons, paintball guns, and socks full of flour.. and the infamous potatoe guns. I tended to not like the season as much after that.

But costume parties are always fun... ;)
Trick or Treat?

Just been visited by the little darlings! I thought it was supposed to be little kids - these must have been teenagers, and a mob at that!

It's not trick or treat - it's a protection racket:D