I live in the middle of a big city--our little one-way street is two blocks
long, in this part of town anyway, and we have an egg hunt and breakfast
outside on a couple of the porches in the other block.
My wife bought various chocolate goodies primarily for our 10 year old
daughter, and chanced to ask our 17 year old son whether he still was
interested in chocolate bunnies (she had him earmarked for a "fair trade"
chocolate bar.) He said yeah--he still likes the bunnies, so she had to go
out again!
And I heard my daughter talking to a 9 year old acquaintance about the facts
of life last night. She told her point blank that Santa Claus, the Easter
bunny, and the tooth fairy are all your parents, but only after an inquiry
as to whether she was already aware of this generally...