Happy Birthday Cirianz


Member Extraordinaire
Dec 31, 2004
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Happy 40th Birthday

Many happy returns and hope you have many more, enjoy your day and hope the party goes with a bang..

The big four Oh I know what it feels like Gurl mine was back in February remember...

I can quite categorically state that its not half bad..This 40 palava..:D Well at least me knees haven't started creaking yet..


I'm guessing by the next time you log on and read this it will be your Birthday, not sure of the time difference that side of the world so sorry if I started the thread to early but this is the only time I can get to the PC and i'm out all day otherwise...;)

I hope you are having a great time, congrats on reaching your 40th "Milestone!!" :D
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Happy birthday Ciriantz

Many Happy Returns Ciriantz - have a wonderful day!
Hope you are feeling MUCH better. The big 40 has arrived and I hope you're having a super time.Don't worry - lots more birthdays to come. I know - I've already been there, and it's not so bad.
Have a great day
Thank you everyone :D:D:D
only 2 & three quaters hours to go now (not that I'm counting)
My kids have told me that they're
'going to give me my birthday presents at the party tomorrow night so that it will catch me by surprise when they pounce me with them tomorrow morning' :lol:
I've decided to be excited & make the most of it.
Only turn fourty once after all :nod: :lol:
Happy Birthday Ciri!!

I'll have a drink for you. :D
My goodness, I missed this thread somehow :eek:

But you know I knew it was your Birthday and I was thinking of ya gal, didn't you?

I hope you had a great day and didn't manage to disembowel yourself or something ;)

Forty is kinda cool. Fifty is, uh, erm - worrying ;)

So you got loaddsa time :D
Thank you guys :)
& yes, of course I knew flops :D
Thank you :nod:

So far the birthday is going well
The kids pounced me with pressies this morning
My Mum sent me tons of socks & a furry hat called Nigel
(The kids have adopted it & are trying to find out what it eats)
The tax dept sent me a letter telling me that my child support is going UP!
(& how often does the IRD send out good news...
although my ex hubby isn't quite so happy of course
but I have to say, with money so tight I'm still glad nevertheless)

and, in an hour's time John is taking me out for a boat ride.
He's got the guy who owns the solitaire (one of John's first comissions & the painting he has on all of his cards) to give us a run out the heads (tairoa heads) today before she goes up on slips for cleaning & repainting tomorrow :D:D:D
She's a beautiful boat & one of the last side hauling trawlers still running in New Zealand :nod:
so cool :cool:

Then this evening, of course, there's the party.
where I intend to get pleasantly tipsy :D
The girl who runs things in the evenings (Joanna... British... sixy accent :) )
has already said she'll give me a white russian on the house ;)
& they make them properly there
with cream instead of milk
& so strong you don't want to light a match while you're breathing out afterwards :p
& where I am fully intending to have a fantastic time :nod:
So far forty's going fantastically
if it can keep this up for the rest of the decade I'll be flying :thumb:
I'm late ... but I got here in the end. :D

Hippy Burpday

I'm Not Old. Just Mature

Today at the drugstore, the clerk was a gent. From my purchase this chap took off ten percent.

I asked for the cause of a lesser amount; And he answered, Because of the Seniors Discount.

I went to McDonald's for a burger and fries; And there, once again, got quite a surprise. The clerk poured some coffee which he handed to me. He said, For you, Seniors, the coffee is free.

Understand ... I'm not old ... I'm merely mature; But some things are changing, temporarily, I'm sure. The newspaper print gets smaller each day, And people speak softer ... can't hear what they say.

My teeth are my own (I have the receipt.), and my glasses identify people I meet. Oh, I've slowed down a bit ... not a lot, I am sure. You see, I'm not old ... I'm only mature.

The gold in my hair has been bleached by the sun. You should see all the damage that chlorine has done. Washing my hair has turned it all white, But don't call it gray ... saying blond is just right.

My car is all paid for ... not a nickel is owed. Yet a kid yells, Old duffer...get off of the road! My car has no scratches ... not even a dent. Still I get all that guff from a punk who's Hell bent.

My friends all get older ... much faster than me. They seem much more wrinkled, from what I can see.

I've got character lines, not wrinkles ... for sure, But don't call me old ... just call me mature.

The steps in the houses they're building today Are so high that they take ... your breath all away;

And the streets are much steeper than ten years ago. That should explain why my walking is slow.

But I'm keeping up on what's hip and what's new, And I think I can still dance a mean boogaloo. I'm still in the running ... in this I'm secure, I'm not really old ... I'm only mature

Youth is a gift of nature ... Age is a work of art.

author Unknown

Top Ditty there Muck's...enjoyed that..

Hope your heads not too sore Ciri...one to many Black russians:lol:
:lol: Thanks for the poem mucks,
I'll have to send it to my Mum on her 60th later this year :nod:
Head not too sore, but it was a fantastic day :D

First John's friend Glen took us out for a ride on his trawler the solitaire (there's a piccy of her on his website www.kendrickart.co.nz she is beautiful :nod: )
He took right out along the harbour & out around Tairoa heads into the REAL sea. it was incredible.
In the harbour it was not much more than a bit bumpy, although, we got caught in the backwash of one of them container ships as she went past & that was fun.
It was one of the big maersk ships & although she had to keep her speed down in the channel of course, apparently they can do 34 easy once they get out the open sea. Gotta lot of 'ground to cover I suppose :nod: One thing though. They look blo*dy big enough sitting in the port, especially when stacked high with containers, but they look a whole different type of big when one's comming up beside you in the water. & the channel through the harbour is pretty narrow so she seemed awfully close :nod:

So, we rode her wake most the way out the harbour, but then we went around past the heads & it was incredible. Seeing the sea going on forever around you is a completely different feeling from standing on a beach, or even out on the spit. It gives a whole new meaning to infinity :)
And the sea.
All of a sudden it was full of big wet lumpy things!!!
the solitaire is a 2-3 man trawler so, although she's not one of the deep sea factory boats (they stay out 6 weeks at a time. My sister used to crew on one years ago)
she's not tiny either. But we were riding up & down these waves like being on a rollercoaster :nod:
It was so cool :D There was even that bit where your stomach drops out when you begin the plunge down. I wished we could just keep on going forever :D
& it wasn't even a really big sea. Glen had a video on his phone he'd taken once of the waves pounding up over the deck of the ship in a rough sea & he says in a storm they'll come right on up so they're smashing onto the windows of the pilots cabin.
although we were all over the boat during the ride, while we were out at sea my son & I were right up the bow of the ship. It was indescribable :D:D:D
Eventually, however, we had to turn around & come back.
But that was cool too. we went back much faster than we went out. We'd been fighting the tide on the way out & with the full moon a couple of nights ago, & the floods we've been having too I expect. Glen says the tides are very high at the moment.
But the main adventure here was getting to steer her :nod:
The chanel is quite narrow & very twisty & turny so mostly I was just shifting the wheel to however many degrees Glen said. I was really surprised at how responsive she was to even very slight movements. Then John had a turn & brought her right up close to the warfs where Glen had to take over to bring her into dock.
Getting off was much harder than getting on had been. When we got on Glen had her pulled up over at the warf used for unloading so we were climbing up from a pretty solid surface.
Comming home he put us into her actual dock so we were climbing down onto a rather high (standing on the planks the bollard came up to about my armpit level) & somewhat rotted bollard & from there down onto a couple of planks going over to the climb up to the warf itself. It was so cool :cool:

Then, after slightly hurried but very sincere thank you's
we rushed back home with just over half an hour to get ready for the dinner :lol:
The funniest thing... we did it rofl
& we actually made it to the restaurant early :nod:
John had used up his camera's battery taking piccys out on the solitaire (& I didn't even think to take mine) so we haven't got any piccys of the party itself :(
But there's plenty of the solitaire & I'm even in some if them (I think John photographed just about every inch of that boat :lol: )
So I'll get some of them photos up later after they've been downloaded :nod:
The party was great, everyone except Tomo's friend (who'd only been asked that afti so hadn't had any notice & had to turn it down) turned up which I'd been a bit worried about when it turned out that John's daughter's freshly aquired new boyfriend & John's son Ashley have cordially hated each other for years.
But everyone turned up & a good time was generally had by all. Although I think some people (everyone else) felt a little left out when Tomo & her father (Raymond) started talking in binary :confused:
Maybe all this homeschooling not so good for them after all :lol:
It turned out even my boy, who's 9 years old, knows some bits of binary code as well & they had quite a sniggle when he was able to understand some Tomo got wrong just after she'd been saying how easy it was (showing off...? never roflmao) & that she could talk heaps of it :lol:
Me, I'm completely at a loss. I thought binary code just made numbers & have no idea how you could 'talk' in it. But Raymond teaches the stuff at varsity so I suppose he knows what he's on about.

I limited myself to 2 white russians (see... I'm a good girl :nod: )
The first one was made by one of the casual staff & he made it with milk & 'watered it down' by putting too much milk in. But the guy who runs the bar heard (he knows me... I'm the only person who orders white russians apparently) so he made me one up properly & sent it over on the house :D
& one of his white russians can easily last an entire evening :nod:
If you're fond of breathing that is :lol:
When I'd phoned the booking in, it turned out that Joanna & Eric (one of the two owners) were not on the best of terms so she hadn't told him it was my birthday & Noel, the other owner was very discombobulated (gotta love that word :lol: ) to find out that it was at the end of the evening when everyone was leaving & apologised profusely for the lack of balloons & general sparkly things but he gave the kids a handfull of balloons & party hats to take with them so they were happy. & Joanna, who'd been on day shift yesturday, came in to say happy birthday & give me a hug :)
Asides from that... lots of talking, lots of laughing, & everyone (except ashley who said he couldn't sing... but then, that really is a requirement for happy bday :lol: ) sung me happy birthday... both versions :lol:
seems the rude version's got even ruder since I last heard it :nod:
& all in all it was a great party :D :nod:
Wow that is a beautiful Boat Ciri..You were very lucky to go out on her, must have been a hell of a ride by the sounds of it...:nod:

Glad the party went smoothly for you..And whats this about a rude version of happy birthday, I haven't heard one...;)
Yes it was incredible :nod:

As for the rude version...

Well, back in the innocent days of my youtk :lol:
it simply went

Happy birthday to you
You were born in a zoo
you look like a monkey
& you smell like one too

the current version is similar.
sort of.
& since it was my 14 year old daughter & 9 yo son who were belting it out with the most gusto I have no doubt that it is well known by most children of similar age groups
however... given that this is a family site, it is important to take in to consideration that there are people who visit this site who are over the age of 16, so I shall refrain from posting it here lest it shatter some sensitive innocence.

Besides... I'm quite sure our imaginations can come up with something even better ;)
