Happy Birthday Bootneck!


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score

Happy Birthday to you Bootneck!
Hope you are enjoying your special day
and here's to many more!

Thank you all for your birthday wishes, sorry not to have replied earlier but have been gadding about today with she who must be obeyed. After the morning walk with the dogs it was off to Maidstone for window shopping then out for a pub lunch:nod: then to the garden center and bought a new pair of welly boots, I go through them very quickly but the last pair put up with a years worth of walking so had an expensive as a birthday present from the boss hopefully they will do the same. So a good day.:thumb::thumb::thumb:
I certainly did, my daughter and grand daughter came up from Somerset at the weekend and on my birthday Sarah and I had a meal out at lunch and went to a garden center bought a new pair of Wellies. So a quiet one but a nice one.