Happy Birthday Becky!


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score

Wishing you a very Happy Birthday,
and better health to come your way very soon.

Thanks for the birthday wishes! Sorry for the late reply, took me a few days to recover from the weekend.

Still laid up unfortunately, but Ian has recently found some papers that look like they could point the drs in the right direction, so fingers crossed they can fix me soon. I've got an upright MRI scan next week, should be interesting!

Hope you're all doing well :wave:
It's so good to see you Becky - your news sounds optimistic, so very much hoping that your doctors will be able to work out a treatment plan for you. Good luck with the MRI scan (I've experienced a couple of those, but not "upright" which sounds rather interesting.)

All the very best to you. :)
As TC said Becky, hope the MRI goes well and sheds some light on your issues. :thumb:

Take care, we're all thinking of you. :)
Belated birthday greetings! Sorry for being late. Good to hear some optimistic news
Somewhat belated birthday greetings, Becky. :cheers::cheers:

(Been away)