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My movie maker constantly hangs when i'm trying to create a movie using photos.

I dont have a problem inserting the photo's, but when i want to add effects
to the photos, i have to do one at a time and every time i add an effect, i
have to wait for a good 10 sec's before i can do the next one.

is there a problem with my pc compatability or something? or is it a movie
maker problem?

thanks alot
Rhomulus said:
My movie maker constantly hangs when i'm trying to create a movie
using photos.

I dont have a problem inserting the photo's, but when i want to add
to the photos, i have to do one at a time and every time i add an
effect, i have to wait for a good 10 sec's before i can do the next

is there a problem with my pc compatability or something? or is it a
movie maker problem?

thanks alot
No definite solution...just a few ideas.....

PhotoStory 3 would be a better app to use
if your source files are still pictures. It has
a limit of 300 pictures (even less if lots of
pans, zooms and transitions are used)

PhotoStory 3 For Windows

How many pictures are in your project?

Maybe converting the pictures to a different
format...bmp for example...before importing
into Movie maker would help.

File type compatibility with Movie Maker

It's also possible that increasing RAM or doing
some maintenance could help:

(260897) How to Delete the Contents of the
Temporary Internet Files Folder

Running Disk Cleanup, Error Checking and
Defrag on a regular schedule is a good idea.

(310312) Description of the Disk Cleanup
Tool in Windows XP

(315265) How to Perform Disk Error Checking
in Windows XP
(check the two boxes..."Automatically fix file
system errors" and "Scan for and attempt
recovery of bad sectors") the utility will run
the next time you restart your computer.
(run error checking repeatedly until it finds
no errors)

(314848) How to Defragment Your Disk
Drive Volumes in Windows XP


John Inzer
MS Picture It! -
Digital Image MVP

Digital Image
Highlights and FAQs

This is not tech support
I am a volunteer

Solutions that work for
me may not work for you

Proceed at your own risk
thanks for the help.
I am using jpeg files, but i am tring to put a movie together with about 800
photos. I realise that i am stretching this program to its utmost limits and
have come to the conclusion, that if i intend to carry on with the project, i
just have to sit through the hangs and go about my business (just a hell of a
lot slower)

thanks a million for your effort though

I'd change your pictures to Bitmap, and make maybe 8 lots of movies of 100
pictures and join them together later.