Hang onto something solid!!


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
Nasa scientists braced for 'solar tsunami' to hit earth

The earth could be hit by a wave of violent space weather as early as Tuesday after a massive explosion on the sun, scientists have warned.

....Experts said the wave of supercharged gas will likely reach the Earth on Tuesday, when it will buffet the natural magnetic shield protecting Earth.

It is likely to spark spectacular displays of the aurora or northern and southern lights.

....Nasa recently warned that Britain could face widespread power blackouts and be left without critical communication signals for long periods of time, after the earth is hit by a once-in-a-generation “space storm”.
Full story HERE (Telegraph)
Wow! Better get down into the bunker with the emergency food supplies. :D

Amazing how often these warnings turn out to be nothing at all. Let's hope so anyway. :)
better make a Tinfoil hat :nod:

The notion that a tin foil hat can significantly reduce the intensity of incident radio frequency radiation on the wearer's brain has some scientific validity, as the effect of strong radio waves has been documented for quite some time.

Hope the poles don't flip ... that would be a bugger. :lol:

muckshifter said:
Hope the poles don't flip ... that would be a bugger. :lol:
Aye... to wit:


1956 Melbourne Olympics – Natilia Kot of Poland appears to nosedive into the canvas . She is doing a somersault during the floor exercises - free choice at West Melbourne Stadium
Hello !
I am also a new member. Would a newcomer be warmly welcome here? Good day you guy !


[mucks edit ... not if you gonna spam like this, no]
Would be a great insurance claim...car/house etc hit by large rock from space!!!
We`ve had no power black outs here and it`s so cloudy that we would not have seen the light show---pity that.
