The machine, running 32 bit Vista Home premium, was fine yesterday, today it
hangs at crcdisk.sys. No config changes, no intentionally installed
software. I tried to boot to safe mode, it hangs. I tried Vista install
disk "repair" option, which also hangs. Computer is passing hardware
diagnostics (disk, controller, memory...).
Looks like this is not a uncommon issue by looking at forums, but I'm not
seeing any common root cause explanations for the issue. Any suggestions for
cause and repair?
hangs at crcdisk.sys. No config changes, no intentionally installed
software. I tried to boot to safe mode, it hangs. I tried Vista install
disk "repair" option, which also hangs. Computer is passing hardware
diagnostics (disk, controller, memory...).
Looks like this is not a uncommon issue by looking at forums, but I'm not
seeing any common root cause explanations for the issue. Any suggestions for
cause and repair?