I get a type of error window on start up. It is a box. The
title is "gsasDtServHolder" below the header is three of
the red/yellow/black icons. On the right side there seems
to be button bars that overlap each other. Top to bottom
read: "systrayhide", "systrayshow", "systraynormal", "systr
ayscanning", and "systrayupdating". I get no responce when
i click on any of them. When I colse the box I do not have
the icon in my systray. So the only way that i know that
the program is running is by checking the task manager.
There I find "gcasDtServ.exe" and "gcasServ.exe" running.
The CPU usage flashes intermittently. So what's up with
the start up window. I am also running 512mb of ram and
have noticed that this program uses a substantial amount
of memory to run. ~19000k
title is "gsasDtServHolder" below the header is three of
the red/yellow/black icons. On the right side there seems
to be button bars that overlap each other. Top to bottom
read: "systrayhide", "systrayshow", "systraynormal", "systr
ayscanning", and "systrayupdating". I get no responce when
i click on any of them. When I colse the box I do not have
the icon in my systray. So the only way that i know that
the program is running is by checking the task manager.
There I find "gcasDtServ.exe" and "gcasServ.exe" running.
The CPU usage flashes intermittently. So what's up with
the start up window. I am also running 512mb of ram and
have noticed that this program uses a substantial amount
of memory to run. ~19000k