Is there a best way to handle various formats of dates for SQL server?.
The data comes in various input files with different date formats.
The ParseExact function looks like an "evil" and it doesn't seem to work for
some cases.
'Date Time Stuff
Dim dtarray As String() = _
{"yyyyMMdd", "yyyy-MM-dd", "yyyy/MM/dd", _
"yyyyMd", "yyyy-M-d", "yyyy/M/d", _
"MMddyyyy", "MM-dd-yyyy", "MM/dd/yyyy", _
"Mdyyyy", "M-d-yyyy", "M/d/yyyy", _
"yyMMdd", "yy-MM-dd", "yy/MM/dd", _
"yyMd", "yy-M-d", "yy/M/d", _
"MMddyy", "MM-dd-yy", "MM/dd/yy", _
"Mdyy", "M-d-yy", "M/d/yy", _
" ", " ", " ", "", " "}
Dim culture = New System.Globalization.CultureInfo("", True)
Private Function ConvertDataObject(ByVal Column As DataColumn, ByVal Obj As
String, ByVal currLineNo As Integer) As String
'This builds the data type from the destination database
If (Obj Is GetType(DBNull)) Then
Obj = "null"
End If
If (Column.DataType Is GetType(System.String)) Then
'Compensate for aposterphes
Obj = Obj.Replace("'", "''")
Return "'" & Obj & "'"
ElseIf (Column.DataType Is GetType(System.DateTime)) Then
'Catch faulty date/time data types
If Obj = " " Or Obj = "" Or Obj = " " Then
Obj = ""
Obj = DateTime.ParseExact(Obj, dtarray, culture,
End If
Catch ex As Exception
If Not (fileLogger Is Nothing) Then
'HasGlobalError = True
fileLogger.LogDirectEntry("Warning: An invalid date/time
field of " & Obj & " was identified on line #" & currLineNo.ToString() & ",
column " & Column.ColumnName & ", position " & Column.Ordinal.ToString() & ".
The field was truncated to a null entry to allow the record to be processed.")
End If
Return "null"
End Try
Return "'" & Obj & "'"
Return Obj
End If
The data comes in various input files with different date formats.
The ParseExact function looks like an "evil" and it doesn't seem to work for
some cases.
'Date Time Stuff
Dim dtarray As String() = _
{"yyyyMMdd", "yyyy-MM-dd", "yyyy/MM/dd", _
"yyyyMd", "yyyy-M-d", "yyyy/M/d", _
"MMddyyyy", "MM-dd-yyyy", "MM/dd/yyyy", _
"Mdyyyy", "M-d-yyyy", "M/d/yyyy", _
"yyMMdd", "yy-MM-dd", "yy/MM/dd", _
"yyMd", "yy-M-d", "yy/M/d", _
"MMddyy", "MM-dd-yy", "MM/dd/yy", _
"Mdyy", "M-d-yy", "M/d/yy", _
" ", " ", " ", "", " "}
Dim culture = New System.Globalization.CultureInfo("", True)
Private Function ConvertDataObject(ByVal Column As DataColumn, ByVal Obj As
String, ByVal currLineNo As Integer) As String
'This builds the data type from the destination database
If (Obj Is GetType(DBNull)) Then
Obj = "null"
End If
If (Column.DataType Is GetType(System.String)) Then
'Compensate for aposterphes
Obj = Obj.Replace("'", "''")
Return "'" & Obj & "'"
ElseIf (Column.DataType Is GetType(System.DateTime)) Then
'Catch faulty date/time data types
If Obj = " " Or Obj = "" Or Obj = " " Then
Obj = ""
Obj = DateTime.ParseExact(Obj, dtarray, culture,
End If
Catch ex As Exception
If Not (fileLogger Is Nothing) Then
'HasGlobalError = True
fileLogger.LogDirectEntry("Warning: An invalid date/time
field of " & Obj & " was identified on line #" & currLineNo.ToString() & ",
column " & Column.ColumnName & ", position " & Column.Ordinal.ToString() & ".
The field was truncated to a null entry to allow the record to be processed.")
End If
Return "null"
End Try
Return "'" & Obj & "'"
Return Obj
End If