hand writing

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????????? said:
Any hand writing recogntion freeware like the one come with
Windows XP ?


I did not know that XP had an option for recognising handwriting, but a
search for "handwriting" in Help & Support" revealed that it is available,
but as far as I can see only if you have MS Office XP. Fortunately, I don't
need it and haven't got it in my XP Home. The help page suggests that if you
have it installed and don't need it, you should remove it. This must be a
first -- Microsoft suggesting that you reduce the size of their OS.


Frank Bohan
¶ What was the greatest thing before sliced bread.
one_step_ahead asked:
Any hand writing recogntion freeware like the one come with
Windows XP ?

Windows XP itself doesn't have HWR. Office 2003 adds that, or one can get the
Tablet PC Edition of Windows XP Professional.

Mac OS X bundles Inkwell which is the Newton print recognizer if you've access
to a Mac (though that's of limited utility unless one invests in a Wacom Cintiq
::grrr:: Apple! Where's your tablet?!?)

Used to be some Wacom tablets would bundle Phatware's PenOffice with them ---
but that's not quite free. If you search you might be able to find a copy of

Unfortunately Xstroke hasn't been ported to Windows AFAIK.
http://www.xstroke.org nor has xscribble
http://www.handhelds.org/projects/xscribble.html (the latter has some links
which may help), but if you're inclined to try out Linux either of these might
work out quite well.

One free input method you may want to try would be ``Dasher'' (which is free)
available from: http://www.inference.phy.cam.ac.uk/dasher/History.html

If you're running Windows 2000 or XP you might want to try IBM's ``Shark''
which is an alternative keyboard scheme which is optimized for use w/ a pen (a
commercial product along these lines is AlphaTap).

There are a number of commercial programs for this sort of thing, most of which
are fairly inexpensive and offer free trials --- let me know if you want a list
since it's off-topic here (comp.sys.pen is a good group for that sort of

``one_step_ahead'' said:
Thanks for your advice, William.
I tried Dasher and I enjoyed it. My son says - like driving a car"
A lttle different with what I am looking for.

Right. I didn't imply that Dasher was a handwriting recognizer nor what you
were looking for, merely that it was the only free alternative input method for
Windows I was aware of.

To restate, the only HWR programs available are not freeware but commercial /
shareware --- I cited one in my initial response (Phatware's PenOffice).
There're a number of others which can be found by a bit of searching, but to
reiterate, nothing free.

If you want to follow up on this post, unless you turn up a free HWR utility
for Windows please post any response to comp.sys.pen since discussing
commercial HWR software would be off-topic for this group.
