feckit said:
The 17-25 age group have the most accidents on the highway!
A differen't approach...
Yesturday, on the way home John called out... "That's her!" As a police car drove past.
You only need to say... "That blonde woman cop..." To any male in the city & they know exactly who you're talking about!
I remember, a couple of years ago, when John first told me about her.
He had just gotten the only speeding ticket he's ever had & he burst into the house grining to tell me all about it.
How he got pulled over by this gorgeous lady cop.
Small, blonde, petite,
Face like an angel, lovely voice, &
"Hello..." (I think this was where the drooling started & the brain stopped functioning!)
"Ummm... Hello..."
"Did you know you were speeding back there?"
"Ummmm.... yes..."
"Do you have an excuse?" (don't forget the lovely voice & the angelic smile)
"Ummmm... no... The music... & I was feeling so happy... &..." (The last brain cells are long gone by now)
"Yes, it is nice music... I'm afraid I'm going to have to write you a ticket you know?"
"Ummmm yes..." (Vague memories of some female person he lives with... what was her name again... conflicting with the urge to ask for her telephone number)
"Now... you won't do it again will you?"
"No officer..." (head shaking slowly, few remaining brain cells would quite happily give her the entire car, his firstborn child, & deeds to everything he owns if she asked for it.)
"Ok, goodbye.) (a final smile destroying all evidence of peripheral motor control)
& she's gone.
Eventually some vague form of motor control & brain function return. Enough to enable him to drive home & eagerly tell everyone he knows all about the experience
He was one of the first to get pulled over by her... but it wasn't long before every male in the city knew her or of her.
Our council has lately tried all sorts of punitive measures to stop 'boy-racers' in this past year. p*ssing off a lot of people & having no effect on the racers themselves.
Now... if they imported about a dozen of her, then I gaurantee that within a month every boy-racer in town would've quite happily lost their licence & the impound lot would be overflowing!
I know that getting pulled over by her is still one of John's fondest memories & one which he can describe at great length at the slightest prompting
& it's always her niceness that gets them.
her beauty might hit the crotch,
but it's the niceness that wipes out the brain...
A few more like her & they wouldn't have a problem!