I know Halo isn't a popular game with here, but it is with me (-: I have
been curious about it's performance problems. It seems it even bogs down the
9800 Pro in some places. What is consistent is it gets really bad with the
beautiful glassy look in areas. is the filtering turned up to the max? I was
curious if there is a config file that a person can adjust in Halo? I
suspect Halo's problem is the Anisotropic filtering turned way up? Thoughts?
HALO ran just fine on my 9800Pro...
but how is your CPU? You should have at least an AMD 2000 or P4
2.2Ghz to get that game running good.
HALO is a FINE single player game... I say it kinda how it is, I think
- in my book.
But its a crappy Multiplayer game... graphics are limted, Totally
stupid multiplayer controls.... er lack of. No skins... everyone IS
the same dude... like the developers were TOO STUPID TO ACTIVATE THE
OTHER PLAYER MODELS for Multiplayer.
There are like 6~10 or so HUMAN skins they could have used, besides
the TALLISH Aliens of the covenet.
Bashee - while I like to fly... is a poor fighter.... Try out the
Raptor on UT2004 - NOW thats a figher.
Hoverbike - whatever its called, the little purple thing that can't be
controlled that flips over if you fart. The MANTA in UT2004 is FAR
faster, easire to control and gets MORE air.... people can ride it or
you can LAND on enemies.
The SUV in UT2004 has a HORN... heheh... The Jeep buggy has a gun,
but ALSO has 2 blades (one on each side) that comes out... cuts
playerss in half - in the actual game. HALO = no gibs. But the
wheeled VECs in UT2004 have crappy controls... hope the fix it before
the game comes out.
HALO also has no RAG-DOLL effects... yes, the movement is GREAT in
HALO, but its all scripted. Everyone dies the sme way.
In UT2004 - You lose body parts or blown away. And when your VEC
gets blown up or shot out of the sky, its flaming wreckage that is
useless to anyone.
The Multiplayer maps in HALO SUCK... only 5 good maps out of 20 or so.
The best one is included with the demo. They are flat and low
detailed... Every time you wanna connect to a server is a crapy
experince with HALO - it works badly. UT2004 includes FAV list and
more. Doesn't check for silly updates every time you go to JOIN game
mode - which ya have to do over and over again if your connection
doesnt work (server full).
I enjoyed HALO for what it is... I disregarded its short comigs for
the most part.
go to
www.unreal.com - or here:
Click on the 209mb demo - Yahoo is fastest.
Play the Onslaught game type and enjoy.... play against the robots
first, not humans. You can control the # of bots in the game. etc..
Demo includes 2 sexes and 2 skin types (with various colors) - the
actual game whill have at least 6 classifications:
1 - humans
2 - Hyper-Humans (big bulky nut-cases)
3 - Skarrg (Aliens, bug uglies)
4 - Robots
5 - Egytians (Think STARGATE)
6 - Cyborgs
7 - Road Warriors (Like MAD MAX)
8 - 70s Human type
Maybe more.
Each class type has at least 8~12 body types of male/female. Then you
have different colors for them (default / red /blue etc).
UT2004 will include over 100 playable maps out of the box (6 CDs).
Look at the amount of HALO DEMO servers (about 5-2 pages - horrible
interface again) - and the HALO retail had around 25 pages (each page
listed about 12~15 servers). UT2004 has a scroll bar.... the
UT2004 demo has had 1.5million downloads in its first week and is NOW
the #4 PLAYED multiplayer game on the net.
This is a preview DEMO, it has BUGS IN IT... only 4 maps... With some
of its visual abilitys NOT INCLUDED
Yep... more people are playing the DEMO than HALO... its up there with
COD and MOH...
I'm not slammin ya... just spreading the word about this cool game...
With your ATI9800Pro - you'll really see what your card can do...!!