Half-Life 2 installation probs

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Hi. Can't install this game. Initially, received this message: Product:
Steam(TM) -- Error 1324. The folder path 'Documents and Settings' contains an
invalid character.

Took game back to retailer who tried installing it on their system (no SP2)
and no problems. Okay...uninstalled SP2 and same message. Did some more
research...read something about possible corrupt profile or user account.
Created a new account, logged off and didn't get error message, however then
windows installer reports that it can't install to Temp file as it is either
disk full - which it isn't - or I haven't got access/write permissions.

Also, I have tried it on my other computer - XP Home with SP2 and it goes
straigt to install without any of the aforementioned crap.

Anyone having similar probs or know what this is about?
Hi Alan,

Sounds like a few things could be causing that:

1. The new account you created wasn't an Administrator account
2. Your My Documents folder might be moved to another location
3. A 3rd party security program might be causing conflicts
4. Your C: drive and Registry permissions are corrupt.

If the 4th bullet is the case, you might find it necessary to uninstall
SP2, run a System Repair, and then reinstall SP2.

How To Repair Windows:
Unplug from your Internet connection, and then repair Windows:
using this method: http://michaelstevenstech.com/XPrepairinstall.htm

Afterwards, boot up your system, turn on your XP Internet Firewall,
plug back into your Internet connection and install all Critical and
Recommended updates from: http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com

Cheers, Windows XP MVP Shell / User
Jimmy S. http://mvp.support.microsoft.com

Game FAQs: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=FH;[LN];gms
Visit my Zone.com / Gaming Helpsite: http://nibblesnbits.tk or Call /
MS Support at: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=sz;en-us;top
My advice is donated "AS IS" without warranty; nor do I confer any rights.

| Hi. Can't install this game. Initially, received this message: Product:
| Steam(TM) -- Error 1324. The folder path 'Documents and Settings' contains an
| invalid character.
| Took game back to retailer who tried installing it on their system (no SP2)
| and no problems. Okay...uninstalled SP2 and same message. Did some more
| research...read something about possible corrupt profile or user account.
| Created a new account, logged off and didn't get error message, however then
| windows installer reports that it can't install to Temp file as it is either
| disk full - which it isn't - or I haven't got access/write permissions.
| Also, I have tried it on my other computer - XP Home with SP2 and it goes
| straigt to install without any of the aforementioned crap.
| Anyone having similar probs or know what this is about?
| --
| alank
well to let you know i had the same problem "its your CD-ROM drive "either re
install its sofware or get it serviced or "clean it" i hade the same error
with HL2 and FarCry "i dident install the software for the CD-ROM drive" wen
i instaled it; it ran like a dream!

David "Promethius"
I am having the same problems with some power toys downloaded from MSN,
which are (obviously) on my hard drive, and not as is the case with
prometheus, a CD drive.
4 out of 5 downloaded toys give me the error message
" -- Error 1324 ... The folder path '[My Pictures]' contains an invalid
character "
The 5th (TweakUI), installed no problem.
What I can't understand is why it should be looking for THAT folder to start
off with, for an installation
