Hah! So much for Coms...!


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
I decided to hang on and stick with Coms a bit longer (following their take-over of my former ISP)... To be honest, there were other things going on at the time, which made me feel reluctant to mess around swapping ISPs.

This morning, when taking a look through my junk-mail folder, what do I find, but this:

Dear (me),

I am writing to provide you with 30 days’ notice of our intention to vary the terms and conditions of your contract with Coms Ltd, specifically in relation to the provision of services.

After careful consideration we have decided that on the 31st September 2014 we will be terminating our email and web hosted services. Our decision has been based on the ongoing viability of providing these services, which is unsustainable.

All of our broadband and telephone line connections and associated packages will remain unchanged. I understand that this decision could have a negative impact for some of our customers and I would like to apologise in advance for the inconvenience this may cause.
Please ensure that you migrate your email and web hosted services prior to the 31st September 2014 as our supply of these services will cease on this date.

We are here to help should you need anything further in relation to this or any other matter, please either email our customer service team, or telephone the customer services department on 0330 300 9000.

Yours sincerely,

Steven Shears
Head of Customer Services


Gee thanks Mr. Shears, glad you value your customers so much... oh, and as pointed out on the Thinkbroadband forum, by an eagle-eyed contributor... there is no such date as Sept 31st!

V_R, if you happen to read this, how is it going with PlusNet..?
Time to ask for your MAC number. :)

I hear BT are .... what? what! WHAT!! :eek:
Coms.com : The proverbial shower of ****. Glad I got out while I did. I've been on the TBB forums on and off to see how its going and for a good laugh. :D

The only thing they did well was supplying me with a MAC within 5 mins of calling. :rolleyes:

V_R, if you happen to read this, how is it going with PlusNet..?

Wonderful. :D

No honestly. Not had any downtime, slowness, general crap from them. Pings are great, speeds are fast, whats not to like. :thumb:
Got to be truthful, I felt a bit "nervous" earlier, when checking around... when a few articles mentioned that Plusnet had been acquired by BT some years ago. (BT always give me the heebie-jeebies lol.)

Also found a lot of grumbles on their own forum (Plusnet's that is.) However, thinking about it, I can remember that ADSL24's forum became extremely toxic. The service was actually good, imho, but clearly the "unhappy folk" were the ones who made the most noise. It's probably always the way, isn't it. The contented majority tend not to post.

Oh well, it's pretty clear that the customers Coms have inherited from ADSL24, are not wanted on-board, so fine. Time to move-on.

I just hope there won't be a fuss to obtain the MAC (due to this being a LLU connection. Once again, a former ADSL24 customer, with the same kind of connection we have, gave a very convoluted forum-post account regarding BT "backhauls" and Talk-Talk backhauls..... They apparently needed to be sorted-out, before he could migrate to a different ISP. My hair began to hurt reading through that! lol)
Too bad that DNA does not do Taff-y-realm. I am not utterly unhappy with its service/pricing/reliability.



OK, OK, I'll go quietly away... :lol: :wave::lol:
Too bad that DNA does not do Taff-y-realm. I am not utterly unhappy with its service/pricing/reliability.



OK, OK, I'll go quietly away... :lol: :wave::lol:

The above are Photoshop creations. He posts them all over the web you know.
Meanwhile in the real world.
