Rod Davies
Due to HDD failure.
THEY rebuilt it under the name of RoB Davies, NOT even my name of RoD
Davies, and in any event it should have been under my wife's name. So I am
apparently the defualt user.
I created an Admin user under wife's name of Lenore, added a Folder under
her name in the Users Folder, but can I delete the ROB Davies User??? There
are the folders under RoB Davies of Contacts, Music, Pictures, Downoads,
Videos, Searches etc. Even though I copied all these folders to my Wifes
User Folder, and despite there being nothiing in any of these folders as its
a brand new built PC, RoB Davies User folders are over 1GB in size, and my
wifes about 20KB in total, so there are hidden system files in my
incorrectly 'built' user folder...right? But Can I delete the Rob Davies
Vista Home Premiuim...sorry for few spelling mistakes, in rush!
THEY rebuilt it under the name of RoB Davies, NOT even my name of RoD
Davies, and in any event it should have been under my wife's name. So I am
apparently the defualt user.
I created an Admin user under wife's name of Lenore, added a Folder under
her name in the Users Folder, but can I delete the ROB Davies User??? There
are the folders under RoB Davies of Contacts, Music, Pictures, Downoads,
Videos, Searches etc. Even though I copied all these folders to my Wifes
User Folder, and despite there being nothiing in any of these folders as its
a brand new built PC, RoB Davies User folders are over 1GB in size, and my
wifes about 20KB in total, so there are hidden system files in my
incorrectly 'built' user folder...right? But Can I delete the Rob Davies
Vista Home Premiuim...sorry for few spelling mistakes, in rush!