hacking passwords/accounts

Mar 27, 2008
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does anyone know if any software can be installed onto a laptop that can give information on passwords etc?

My ex-husband is able to get into my facebook and email accounts, from his own laptop, despite me changing my passwords regularly.

I've looked in my programmes to see if there is anything out of the ordinary there, but have no idea what I'm looking for.

If anyone could give me any advice into what I could do to prevent him from having access to my accounts, I would be extremely grateful.

Many thanks in advance,

Hi Serena,

You need to change all of your passwords and set new password reminders.
Change your account details - ie date of birth/address etc - whatever you used to register the account. Could be these details he uses to access them.

Better still, close those accounts and open a new one - pain I know but still.

Whatever you do - do it from a CLEAN PC.
(In other words up to date with anti virus and anti spyware etc and a full scan run in Safe mode is the best bet.)
If you're in doubt about your own PC's security, then we CAN help!
To answer your question, there are lots of software programmes that use and unfortunately, abuse passwords.

Nasty situation - I wish you well..and welcome to the PCReview Crew II Forum :) :wave:
If you suspect that he has hacked your pc , you should inform both the police and your broadband provider and e-mail provider and all of the site that you suspect that he has hacked .

This is very disturbing behaviour on his part and you should take the above advice to protect yourself .

Thank you both so much for your help. I'm in the process of changing my passwords and accounts and you're right, its a real pain! But I'd rather that and know I had my privacy.

I did speak with the police and they advised they that were steps I could take, but if I can avoid aggravating an already volatile situation, it would cause less hassle for me.

Thankyou again, I really appreciate your advice,

Thankyou, I'm in the process of running a scan and checking my security on my laptop, but this is by a girl that can just about upload songs from her ipod library to her ipod, haha!

I shall let you know how I get on

renep04 said:
upload songs from her ipod library to her ipod, haha!


If you can do the above then you are doing better than lots of folk here ,

As said before, make sure you change your password to something he'll never guess, and also change your password reminders. The reminders are important cause that is a way he could get in.

You could also get someone you know to send you an email with an 'interesting' subject line and in it just put a message for him to get a life. That will annoy him!! hehe.
haha!! I like your way of thinking! Instead of getting mad about it, maybe I should get a little devious instead....?

It's just a shame that most of my good friends are mutual friends of ours!
Haha, get someone from your work to do it or something. Or better still, sign him up for all the gay p*rn sites you can find!! God, maybe i'm a little TOO devious for my own good!! :-)
Hahaha!! Nah, keep em coming, you have the best ideas!! And besides, there's no such thing as being too devious....in this situation anyway :D
That's about it for now to be honest. If he's still checking up on you he sounds like a bit of a control freak! Main thing is, change your password and make it something he'll never guess, stick some numbers in it etc etc. Also make sure you change the forgotten password question though, no point having a great password if they can click 'forgot password' and it says 'what is my favourite colour' and he types 'pink' and he's back in!! Also, last thing, some of these things offer to send your password to a different email address if you've forgotten it, make sure that is set to one of your email addresses.

If you want any more evil tricks then i have plenty!! hehe. More importantly though, i would just make sure you email is secure and keep it that way.

Yeh, he's gone a bit psycho on me, going through my phone and phone bills etc..Its not even like theres anything that interesting to find in there, its just the fact that he feels he can invade my privacy coz a bit of paper says we're still married.

I changed all my passwords etc so hopefully this will be the end of it.

Thanks for taking the time to give me some advice. And for making me laugh. I'm still smiling about the gay website idea, hehe!

Cheers dude!

No worries!

Do you still live with this clown? Im assuming you do because he's going through your stuff etc. Just tell him to get a life and get out there and to the clubs and pubs! :-)

No!! I came back to the UK 2 years ago to start Uni, but he comes over once a month or so, coz we have kids. Which is the crazy thing, coz he gets all this info about me from his laptop!! And he just snoops round in all my stuff when he's over...

I changed my mobile 3 weeks ago coz I was gettin arsy txts off him and stuff and didnt tell him I'd changed my number. He knew about within a couple of hours of gettin here coz he went thru all my stuff when I was in the shower! Weirdo!

Haha, there are NO good clubs where I live!! I'd of been there like shot if there were ;)

There must be good clubs, where do you live? Someone on here will be from somewhere near im sure that can advice!

Well, the best thing to do is just ignore. If you send ANYTHING whether it's angry, nice etc, it will just encourage more contact.

Does beg the question why you married this guy in the first place!! haha.
There are no good clubs in Reading, trust me, I've looked. There are a couple of good bars tho that do a great vodka cocktail, haha!

Yeh, its kinda difficult to maintain no contact when you have kids, but I get what you're sayin. And besides, I have great plans to head off to New Zealand nxt year when I'm finished at Uni, so I will def have the no contact thing goin on then, mwah ha ha!!

And he was a great guy initially...maybe livin with me has turned him all loony, hehe!

Thats probably true, all women are evil!!

Oh, in that case you're right, Reading is awful for nights out. Get yourself to London!!

Good idea about going to NZ. You taking the kids with you?
Hahaha!! Oi, Bodhi, I think you'll find its men that are evil and conniving, hehe!

I know, its a hole in more ways than one. I would get to London but trying to organise a nite out with my mates isn't easy. Maybe I shud just get new ones, haha!

Yeh, well, I'm planning on. I'm hoping I'm not gonna get him puttin a spanner in the works. I reckon I shud get a job easy enough, coz its on the skills shortage list so I just need to sort my visa etc. I can't wait. Tho not sure which part to go to. Was thinking Wellington? You get more points if you go outside of Auckland....Have bought my guide to NZ so am working thru that, haha!

You're gonna have to send me a little msg every day now by the way. Have got used to seein "you have new mail from Bodhi" in my inbox, hahaha!!
