Your chances are very slim that anything will be done. Port scanning in and
of itself is not illegal. Sniffers are not illegal. On the other hand, if
you can document a malicious attack (prolonged attempts to intrude) coming
form a single IP address, you may have a little bit of luck by informing the
ISP of the offending party. Be aware that this is also not very likely, as
the attacks are most likely coming from other machines that the hacker has
gained access to and not from the location of the hacker. Also, if the
hacker is outside the United States, then no authority in this country would
have any jurisdiction to do anything.
Also be aware that the attacks are not against you personally. the hackers
and infected machines use software that routinely scans for machines that
open ports or other weaknesses that can be exploited. Just because your
machine has been scanned or sniffed does not mean you are under attack. If
you have closed all your ports, then they will not see you as a target,
there are far too many unsecured machines out there for them to try and gain
access to your machine.