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A. Hackers disable your Daylight Savings Time.
B. The clock on the desktop can be one hour ahead or one hour behind,
on occasion.
C. Your Network Places Icon on the desktop disappears.
D. If using a Windows platform: when you start your computer, your
original screen will pop up, but since the hackers need to boot into
their Networks, or Server(s), the system will quickly re-boot and the
original screen will appear twice. But your system may re-boot twice
instead of once when loading Windows OEM versions.
E. If your computer system occasionally re-boots on it's own, the
hacker may need to update their Networks, or Servers to make their
computer system function properly.
F. If you play Yahoo Games, you may find yourself being kicked out of
the board your playing in. If your winning a game and you're the
host, the hacker may not let you back in to finish. This means you
just lost a game at the hackers expense. When the computer was hacker
safe, I went back to playing games and haven't been booted out of a
game, since.
G. A browser application like Netscape, or Internet Explorer you use
to filter out, or kill file certain individuals will not function
indefinitely. When your computer system is compromised, you aren't
able to filter out people in your browser for more then 1-2 days. A
number of computer owners whose systems have been compromised, have
advised me they also had the same problem. Because hackers were using
your illegally installed Servers for posting to the Internet, this is
why you are unable to filter or kill file them. This information was
very apparent to myself and other ferret owners whose computer were
H. When you begin to see Usenet remarks, made on behalf of your
personal life which is private information.
I. Some of your personal files are modified years before they were
created. I have seen a number of personal files modified 7-8 years
before they were even created. How to accomplish this maneuver:
Select Start, Settings, Control Panel, Date/Time, where the year is,
Select the up or down arrow and, viola. Then open up any file and
Select Save. A new creation date is present.
J. You will find a number of files hidden/readable only, which is a
common practice in the hacking world.
K. When you find additional information in your boot.ini file which
relate to a Virtual Private Network, this can be either software,
hardware or device driver oriented.
L. Under Search for Files and Folders, perform a search on any file
modified in the past month, you will see files which just don't need
to be modified, or files you don't even recognize. For the basic
computer user, you'll want to focus on the files which you don't
recognize. Unless your a skilled professional, you won't realize
which files need to be present or modified, but give it a try anyways.
[To perform the above you will need to see all Hidden Files and
M. Select Start, Settings, Control Panel and Network, and look at,
following network components showing. If you see one AOL adapter and
have never used AOL, then two AOL adapters, two TCP/IP, two Dial-Up
adapters, one or two Virtual Private Network adapters, your computer
could be compromised. A Virtual Private Network is widely used by
hackers because it can host up to 254 users. "This applies to the
basic Internet user who has one modem, one ISP and isn't running any
working with VPNs is almost zero. Every victims system I've seen had
two VPNs setup and they were only using a modem to connect to the
N. Next, Select Start, Run, type Regedit, Select Registry, Select
Export Registry File, in the box type a name say 4-12-02.txt and
Select save. Then open this file with a text editor, and you might be
shocked to find what really is installed on your computer system.
Check the bottom of this file because hackers love to install an array
of applications including Network/Server files and device drivers.
O. You will have to turn your computer off by the power supply on a
regular basis.
P. Installing a Network Interface Card will cause problems until the
hackers configure this device into their Servers or Virtual Private
Network they setup on your computer.
Q. You find your CD-ROM drive opens and closes without your
R. You could hear an annoying beep coming from your system speakers.
S. Your windows screen goes horizontal or vertical.
T. The screen saver picture changes without your permission.
U. On occasion your mouse is out of your control or has an
imagination of it's own. But this could also be caused by a corrupt
mouse driver.
V. All of a sudden, your speakers decide to play you some music.
W. Installing a hardware/software firewall for the first time can
cause a number of different problems for you to setup and configure.
Considering you didn't have these installed from the beginning of your
computer going on the Internet.
X. Your firewall logs show alerts at 12:00 then 11:22 then 12:16 and
back to 11:59.
Y. If using a dial-up/cable/dsl connection you see a number of pings,
port 0, to your computer. The reason is so that the hackers can see
if your computer is online. A system needs to be online for the
hackers to access these Networks and Servers. What the hackers
actually do is port scan your Internet Service Provider Block of IP
addresses and find your computer either with file sharing enabled or a
Backdoor/Trojan present.
Z. If someone is port scanning your system, in your firewall logs the
port assignment aren't in any type of order. You might see a probe at
port 1,10,9,8,6,12,6,43 etc.
AA. When you find you have to set Zone Alarm firewall on medium
instead of high settings.
BB. Once you can view all Files and Folders search for files named
CC. You may find another installed version of your software firewall
application on your hard drive. You will need to Show all Hidden
Files and Folders under your Settings, Control Panel, Folder Option
and View, if using a Windows Platform (excluding 2000,NT and XP).
DD. When you see too many, Pings - port 0, HTTP/Proxy - port 80,
8080, 3128, SMTP - port 25, FTP - port 21, NNTP - port 119 port
probes. Your computer is probably running an illegal "VPN server";
"web server"; "proxy"; "mail and news"; "ftp"; which hackers are
attempting to access for their own personal use.
EE. If you don't see your computer node/source IP address on a
consistent basis to the right side of your firewall log, your system
is compromised. (See the firewall logs below.) The hackers are
entering through your system to attack other "Networks, or Servers and
Systems", so their identity can't be traced.
FF. When you perform a traceroute on an IP address and you lose your
node/source IP address, ISP routers IP, or when you don't see your
node/source IP address at all.

The Best Kept Secrets of Backdoors, Cracking, Firewalls, Hacking,
Proxies, The Internet, Trojan Horses, Virtual Private Networks, Virus,
Windows and different types of Servers can be found at:

A. Hackers disable your Daylight Savings Time.


(Quote from one who found just the right words)

The User by the name "Tracker" aka "Debbie", VPNSISHACKERSSECRET, aka
"snailmail" regularly posts incorrect, misleading and damaging information,
to rely on the advice of this person could result in irreparable damage to
your system. It is mypersonal advice not to listen to anything that this
person posts andcertainly to not attempt or believe anything this person

(End Quote)


Tocis (commoner AT carcosa DOT de)
For answers include HI-AK 523 in your email subject!
Netzero started chargeing $9 a month which blows her welfare budget,
so now she has signed with another 'free ISP', ITL.

She can still hack a hairball with the best of them...
On star date 27 Apr 2004 20:55:27 -0700, (e-mail address removed)
(mailbox) thought it would be rather spiffy to spray paint these fine
words on the wall..

Hostname: 64-40-47-254.nocharge.com
IP Address:

ATTN: chip phillips
417 second ave west

Registrar: DOTSTER
Created on: 06-MAR-99
Expires on: 06-MAR-05
Last Updated on: 31-MAR-04

Administrative Contact:
phillips, chip (e-mail address removed)
International Telcom
417 second ave west
206 479 5000

Technical Contact:
Contact, Admin (e-mail address removed)
International Telcom
417 2nd ave west
Seattle, Washington 98119
(206) 479-1904
(206) 479-0009

Domain servers in listed order:

Looks like Debbie's ready to loose yet another account. So how many
would this make now, Debbie? I've lost count of the ISPs you've lost.
Taking a moment's reflection, Beauregard T. Shagnasty mused:
| What a friggen hoot! This qualifies for 'best joke of the day!'

I thought it amusing that she leads off with the old "hackers disable
daylight savings." Why would they need to? LOL
Would you ****ing stop posting this incorrect amateur crap.


A. Hackers disable your Daylight Savings Time.
B. The clock on the desktop can be one hour ahead or one hour behind,
on occasion.
C. Your Network Places Icon on the desktop disappears.
D. If using a Windows platform: when you start your computer, your
original screen will pop up, but since the hackers need to boot into
their Networks, or Server(s), the system will quickly re-boot and the


Thank you for writing to Yahoo! Geocities.

Thank you for informing us of possible abuse on Yahoo! GeoCities. We
have investigated the site and taken the necessary action. Please
continue to notify us of any content you believe violates the GeoCities
Terms of Service, located at:



Yahoo! Customer Care


/(bb|[^b]{2})/ that is the Question

Public Enemy #7
"mailbox" said in news:[email protected]:

And not one *weapon* mentioned. Just a list of symptoms.

No, just the usual ****ed up bit of "information" she's providing that
indicates nothing other than a problem with the end user that doesn't
know his (in this case, her) ass from the proverbial "hole in the
ground". She'll loose that ISP soon too. You can count on that.

My clock doesn't keep accurate time. Usually it's about 5 minutes
slow. But that's only because of the CMOS battery clip being broken
off the mobo. So I don't have a battery installed. If my power goes
out for any reason, I always have to reset the time and date. That
doesn't mean my computer was compromised.

Besides, the only possible way that your system's time and date would
be screwed up would be if the victim had a trojan installed that
allowed an attacker from gaining access to the system to make that
kind of a change. As far as changing the time zone on a computer, that
has to be done by the user via the clock icon on the task bar.

But I'm sure that anyone who knows a thing or two about computers
would already know that..

The "advice" Tracker (aka Debbie) gives is bad advice that she's cut
and pasted from various web sites. Information that is old, outdated
and inaccurate. She also claims to have written a "book" on "PC
security" and something to do with "hackers".. I dunno.. I never
really paid that much attention to her. But something along those
lines. She's yet to provide one shred of truth that this "book" exists
in the real world other than in her mind.. If you can call it that.

The best thing you could do would be to completely ignore her. Don't
even bother wasting your time trying to prove a point to her. It's
above her head and between her legs.. So all you'll be doing is
wasting your time and energy.

She'll get what's coming to her. Like always ;)
Maybe we're not being fair, .....devils advocate now.

If I were a hacker, hence no job... I take my left over parts from c3po and
build my own computer and after endless tries finally got my winmodem
working with my system (it wasn't star wars compatible). Then downloaded my
hacking software off napster, that's where I got the hacker knowledge,
getting rid of that virus. After perfecting and tweaking my software, I
finally get into your computer and guess what, I disable your daylight
savings time, that'll teach you to respect us hackers... Oh YES hackers
Unite!!!! Hold on gotta finish postin, mom says it's my bedtime now.....

There are LOSERS everywhere, sorry people, it's just my job to point them

Note: Unless you're a parachute instructor, no one ever really listens to

"> >>
Tracker, did you know that your link is dead?

Guess one of you must work for Geocities because it's not easy to have
a Website shut down within a few hours of it being active. Give this
Website a shot and let's see how long this one stays up? Want to make
a wager on how many weeks this babe is active?

Guess one of you must work for Geocities because it's not easy to have
a Website shut down within a few hours of it being active. Give this
Website a shot and let's see how long this one stays up? Want to make
a wager on how many weeks this babe is active?



I don't even want to think about how many weeks you're "active,"
Debbie, let alone place bets on it.

Why don't you treat that condition?
Guess one of you must work for Geocities because it's not easy to have
a Website shut down within a few hours of it being active. Give this
Website a shot and let's see how long this one stays up? Want to make
a wager on how many weeks this babe is active?


Tracker, you've got to understand that you are violating your TOS with
Geocities - it only takes a single complaint, them to review your site
and spamming of newsgroups, and them to yank your account / site.

If you had any sense of respect you would not post your spam, would edit
the content of the "book", and you would leave these security groups
since you obviously don't know anything about internet security.
On star date 30 Apr 2004 06:08:23 -0700, (e-mail address removed)
(trackers) thought it would be rather spiffy to spray paint these fine
words on the wall..
Guess one of you must work for Geocities because it's not easy to have
a Website shut down within a few hours of it being active. Give this
Website a shot and let's see how long this one stays up? Want to make
a wager on how many weeks this babe is active?


bwahahahahahahahahaha Having problems are you?
trackers said:
Guess one of you must work for Geocities because it's not easy to have
a Website shut down within a few hours of it being active. Give this
Website a shot and let's see how long this one stays up? Want to make
a wager on how many weeks this babe is active?
The site was up at 18:00 GMT. Just checked at 20:00 GMT and its gone!


Uh-Oh, hold on, maybe its down because my clock is wrong and I've been
hacked? OMG!
Taking a moment's reflection, *Vanguard* mused:
| And not one *weapon* mentioned. Just a list of symptoms.

Which could be symptomatic of a million things ... not the least of
which is an improperly configured computer.
Guess one of you must work for Geocities because it's not easy to have
a Website shut down within a few hours of it being active. Give this
Website a shot and let's see how long this one stays up? Want to make
a wager on how many weeks this babe is active?


Unfortunately for you, the tyranny of this majority will keep shutting
you down everytime you show up, repeating the same stuff over and over
and over. While I definitely think you're odd, I also think banning
you from making a laughing stock of yourself is totally anal.
Normally, I just mark you read and go on with life.
But I hope you continue to post, if only to show those too lazy to
ignore you that you won't quit. Never quit. Never.