I'm running Windows XP SP2. I use H+BDEV Anti-Vir as my
real-time, on-line anti-virus protection. I have
installed MS Antispyware and scanned resulting in 1
hit: "CoolWebSearch:Browser Hijack Attempt" (which had
not been detected with AdWareSE nor SpybotS&D). It's
gone now. My question is: Will the performance of either
H-BDEV AV or MS Antispware be affected by having both
running and on-line at the same time? So far no problem.
Any feedback appreciated. THX.
real-time, on-line anti-virus protection. I have
installed MS Antispyware and scanned resulting in 1
hit: "CoolWebSearch:Browser Hijack Attempt" (which had
not been detected with AdWareSE nor SpybotS&D). It's
gone now. My question is: Will the performance of either
H-BDEV AV or MS Antispware be affected by having both
running and on-line at the same time? So far no problem.
Any feedback appreciated. THX.