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Hello there,

I have a need to call GXOpenInput/GXCloseInput in a WM5 VB.NET application.
I want my application to be able to capture the F6/F7 keys.

So as I am not sure how to call these API's I was wondering if someone can
provide an example on how to call them in WM5 VB.NET.

You help would be appreciated.

Hi Devron,

Thank you for posting here.

Since your question is related to pocket PC programming, I am sorry to tell
you that it is not within our support range. You may post your question to
the "microsoft.public.pocketpc.developer" newsgroup.

Note that the above newsgroup is not a managed newsgroup. If your problem
is still not resolved, you may submit a support incident in out PSS via the

At last, it seems that you need to use P/Invoke on Compact .NET Framework,
you may visit the following link for reference:

'An Introduction to P/Invoke and Marshaling on the Microsoft .NET Compact

Hope this helps and thank you for your understanding!

Linda Liu
Microsoft Online Community Support

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Dear DevRon, (Developer Ron...! good name)

Declare these two API functions in any module in a vb.net project
'* ---------------------------------------------------
<DllImport("gx.dll", _
CharSet:=CharSet.Auto, _
EntryPoint:="?XOpenInput@@YAHXZ")> _
Public Sub GXOpenInput()
End Sub
'* ---------------------------------------------------
<DllImport("gx.dll", _
CharSet:=CharSet.Auto, _
EntryPoint:="?GXCloseInput@@YAHXZ")> _
Public Sub GXCloseInput()
End Sub
'* ---------------------------------------------------

Just call GXOpenInput() in the start-up of your application
Sub Main() Startup Routine
'* -----------------
Sub Main()
End Sub
'* -----------------
'* -----------------
frm_Load(...) Handles MyBase.Load events
End Sub
'* -----------------
Note: Make sure to call GXCloseInput during exiting your form/application

Thanks / Best Regards

Shaik Faheem Ahmed
(e-mail address removed)
'* ----------------------------------------------------------

Hello there,

I have a need to call GXOpenInput/GXCloseInput in a WM5 VB.NET application.
I want my application to be able to capture the F6/F7 keys.

So as I am not sure how to call these API's I was wondering if someone can
provide an example on how to call them in WM5 VB.NET.

You help would be appreciated.
