Guys and Gals

Jul 7, 2005
Reaction score
Hello All:

I have become a member of PC Review for three reasons:

1) I love the friendliness and the professionalism of the people here.
2) I've recently started designing what will eventually be a huge business web site, and I'm sure I will be asking you all to save me from the multiple problems I expect to encounter throughout development.
3) I enjoy being able to contribute what I do know about pc related issues to those who ask for help.

I have posted a thread so that you can review my efforts so far regarding this web site at:

I hope to be of help to anyone who asks for it, and thank you for the opportunity to be involved in this community.

Austin Culley
Chief Operating Officer
Oil-Net.Com Inc.
Hey man, It's a pleasure to have you on board, so to speak...

I'm one of the mods here, and i look forward to seeing how your business progresses :)

Thanks Guys and Gals.

Austin Culley
Chief Repairman and Personal Masseuse
Mrs. Culley's Home Ltd.