My situation - I regularly collect older PCs to pass on to disabled
members of a Charity. Consequently I have a large number of small
SDRAM modules (mainly 32mb & 64mb). Occasionally I get 128mb and very
rarely 256mb.
I have a 256mb piece of memory that I put on one side some time ago as
I believed it was faulty because errors occurred when trying to
install WinXP (I probably ran MemTest 86 at the time). During the last
few days I set up a system with 128mb to run WinXP and this is working
OK for basic Word Processing. I decided to give the 256mb chip a try
and added that to the existing chip with a noticeable benefit and no
errors so far.
My Question - (I accept that the improvement shown means the new chip
has been accessed) How is the memory utilised by the system? Does
the Operating system apportion work to each module so that they are
all partially in use or is each module fully used before the system
moves on to make use of the next module.
I would like guidance, not only for my own information but to ensure
that the recipient of the Computer does not have errors cropping up at
a later date when additional software is installed which causes all of
the 256mb chip to come into use.
Hope this makes sense.
Also posted in uk.comp.homebuilt
members of a Charity. Consequently I have a large number of small
SDRAM modules (mainly 32mb & 64mb). Occasionally I get 128mb and very
rarely 256mb.
I have a 256mb piece of memory that I put on one side some time ago as
I believed it was faulty because errors occurred when trying to
install WinXP (I probably ran MemTest 86 at the time). During the last
few days I set up a system with 128mb to run WinXP and this is working
OK for basic Word Processing. I decided to give the 256mb chip a try
and added that to the existing chip with a noticeable benefit and no
errors so far.
My Question - (I accept that the improvement shown means the new chip
has been accessed) How is the memory utilised by the system? Does
the Operating system apportion work to each module so that they are
all partially in use or is each module fully used before the system
moves on to make use of the next module.
I would like guidance, not only for my own information but to ensure
that the recipient of the Computer does not have errors cropping up at
a later date when additional software is installed which causes all of
the 256mb chip to come into use.
Hope this makes sense.
Also posted in uk.comp.homebuilt