Guidance re TV Audio safety issue requested


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
We have a "spare" tv - just a cheapie, (ONN LCD TV/DVD combo, from Asda) which we have set up in the computer room. It's not great, but viewable.

The worst thing about it is the sound. It is much too "bright" sounding, with piercing tones whenever there is speech. I have adjusted the settings and basically have tried out all the options, both pre-set and manual, but it is still 'orrible.

Before anyone suggests taking it back, we have had it for too long.

My question is, could I (safely) plug a set of A/C powered speakers into the headphone socket, without blowing anything up?

The only speakers I could "try" (just to see whether the sound improves at all) are a set of JBL stereo speakers that are currently attached to a PC.

Thank you for reading this, any suggestions gratefully received.
Yep, it's no different to plugging them into the back of a PC if they are powered :)

Yeah you can plug any kind of speakers into the headphone socket, doesn't matter how they are powered, as long as its a 3.5mm jack, you can tell because it will look like its gonna fit.

For about £15 you can get a set of Creative or Logitech 2.1 speakers, i have a 5.1 system plugged into my TV, very very good.
Oh thank you Ian and Wayne, I appreciate your replies :thumb: ... I didn't like to trust my instincts on this, just in case ;)
This reminds me of one of those lolcat pics :lol: :

:lol: That picture is a bit "close to home" here, because we always have to watch out for one of our cats, who rather fancies himself as an electrician! :rolleyes: The only difference is that he's a big chubster :lol:

Just tried the speakers (had to get through all the spaghetti at the rear of the desk :( but it was worth it. They make an enormous difference to the sound quality - it's really good now - well, certainly good enough for this particular room.

Thank you again
Our cat is trying (very) hard today to get her 23 hours of sleep in before the end of the day!
She eats, cleans herself, looks out of the cat flap (1 of her hobbies) & sleeps and always in the warmest place in the house she can find!
feckit said:
Our cat is trying (very) hard today to get her 23 hours of sleep in before the end of the day!
She eats, cleans herself, looks out of the cat flap (1 of her hobbies) & sleeps and always in the warmest place in the house she can find!

Well our three have been particularly frisky - chasing each other around and playing. We almost get bowled over as they suddenly hurtle through the house. Maybe one of them has a secret stash of catnip...:rolleyes: :lol: