Guess I'm a stranger now :)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Wojo
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Sorry I've been out so long. It has been an extremely busy month for me.

Now that it's all better I am going on a desperately needed vacation. It's
only a little one to Kentucky for a little R&R but that's just what the
doctor ordered.
In January is the real trip (Cancun) and you can all expect a video on my
site when I get back from that one :-)

I'll be back to my old self and here more often after the vacation. See ya
in a week!

Have fun on your R&R Wojo. When you go to Cancun you'll have to get a
panoramic vid of the Hotel Zone. Cya later!
Thanks guys, and Rach :)
I had a good time and am now quite relaxed but unfortunately not much for
pics and video except for the Newport Aquarium but I'll work a little video
out anyway. Definitely looking forward to Cancun I think I will get a lot
more to work with there.