Example on how to triple Boot XP ,Vista RC1 together with Novell Enterprise
Linux (Suse) Desktop 10 :
Problem :
You want use Windows XP and Linux on one PC. Now you want also install Vista
as a third OS.
Windows Vistas Bootloader isn't designed to boot Linux, while Grub, the
Linuxloader can boot nearly everything.
Typical Scenario :
* working XP on primary Partition of first HDD ( /dev/hda1 )
* working Suse on secondary Partition of first HDD ( /dev/hda2 )
to this point Grub is used to Boot XP or Linux and you are familiar to
choose between the both entries.
* Vista shall get installed on a new primary Partition 3 ( space is still
free and unused or Partiton is created within XP, but free) that will be
/dev/hda3 or if extended partiton will be used /dev/hda5 etc.
1) Boot with Vista DVD - choose the free Partition and install.
2) Vista will overwrite the Novell MBR which contains Grub
3) in some cases it wont recognize the XP if not the NTLDR was used, so it
boots directly into Vista as single OS
4) Don't panic here - XP and Linux are still on the Disk
5) to recreate Grub, use the first CD or the DVD of Novells Linux and boot
the PC with that.
6) choose not to install but "boot installed System or / repair Linux"
7) now you are in your beloved Linux again and you are going to restore what
Vistas Bootmgr has destroyed :
(!) open up a console and type as root ( sudo su ) : " cat /etc/fstab " -
write down your diskconfiguration to know on which /dev/hda entry your
Vista-Installation resides.
8) start Yast2 ControlCenter from within your linux System by typing the
command or clicking the icon.You must enter root's password for this action.
9) Within YAST you go to "configure Bootloader" . You will be presented with
a Window titled "Bootloader Options" and see all the entries ( Xp - Linux -
Failsafe ) -
10 ) now go to the button where you can edit the entries and add a new one.
Add an entry for Windows Vista and type in where it is installed ( you need
now what /etc/fstab was telling you ) .
11) Now go to the registertab "Bootloader Installation" , choose grub and
click the final button. This installs Grub and overwrites the Bootmgr of
Windows Vista.
On next reboot ( without any DVD/CD inserted of course !) you will see the
Linux Splashscreen offering you the following choices : - Windows XP -
Windows Vista - Suse Linux - Failsafe and they all should work.
As for other Linuxes or Unixes that use grub and have different
configuration-utils I can not say how it is done, but the basics are the
same : you just need to boot the installed Linux via a recovery medium and
rewrite grub with the new entry. Ask your distributor or in your forums how
to do it without Yast. ( yast is only in Novells Products ).