Grub 17 Error


Sep 30, 2005
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You could run a sweepstakes to see how long it wouldf take for me to major goof.

So I accidently stood on me extension lead and switched off the power whilst Mandriva was running. No probs I thought, just use Acronis. Ha ha ha .

The tale is too long to tell. Nowe I have a Pata hdd and a Sata hdd that will not boot, NTLDR is missing fault.

All is not lost though.

I have a usb hdd with a clean copy of MANDY on it, no updates etc, but it boots and works just fine. Also the old usb hdd with MANDRIVA on it with all the updates, programs etc but it will not boot, get the ERROR 17.:eek:

With only these two drives installed,. I can boot to MANDY and, cos I fiddled around a bit, MANDRIVA shows as mounted and I can acces files and folders but can NOT seem to use any programs.

Here is another goof, MANDRIVA runs as ME@LOCALHOST, when I did the install of MANDY I did ME@NEWNAMEFORHOST. So I am guessing that I can not just copy and replace folders as the names are different. I think taht would have worked and would have been easy to do with Acronis if I could ever install XP back on to the faulty disks that is.:rolleyes:

SO the big question is can I fiddle around and get MANDRIVA back to a state wher I can boot it and use it as normal ??????????????????

With just MANDRIVA connected to the pc I have tried useing the install disk in rescue mode and fiddling around in there did help a bit but, it told me that it could not do "grub-install" as the "/boot" was already there . So I "rm boot" and now it tells me that it can not find something or other. This did have the effect of MANDRIVA showing as mounted automatically when both drives were connected to the pc, before I did that MANDRIVA showed as unmounted.:rolleyes:

If you think my sketchy tale is complicated, boy you should have been there. :p

Telling me to forget MANDRIVA and just update ( at least 4 hours worth) and re-set re-install programs and Boinc (at least another 3 to 4 hours) is not an option . This must be fixable.:eek:

It can be , please tell me it can be.


Thats crazy that it won't boot when you just stood on the power lead, my nephew has pulled the power cable out of my pc about a dozen times and it doesn't affect it.

I just don't get how it won't boot, nothing will have happened to the HDD???

I take it that you reset the boot options in the BIOS?
mmm must be the electricity and the cost of stamps up north that caused this error.

I'm sure it wasn't the power loss to your pc that don't make sense.

I would have instantly thought of a grand unified boot loading (GRUB) rewrite.....
Your right guys it was not just the power going off that caused the disaster.
I should have been ok as I have a UPS its old but it works ok or so I thought. It does work in cleaning up the electric, we get fluctuations here for various reasons, trouble is the battery is shot, so no back up time. I should have checked that when I moved it to this pc but I have been a bit busy and me mind was elsewhere. So that was a mini disaster.
The rest of the tale is quite compilcated and I can not be arsed to type it all out. Things got worse and if only I had a few bits of knowledge to hand at the time the tale would have turned out differently.
So I'm still looking for help with me original question .Any linux gurus out there ??

Well I got me original Mandriva back up and running along with some of me Boinc work units. It is too complicated a tale to tell. I do love these linux distros even if they are giving me grey hairs.
