Eng 104 11776 Intro Literature Wheeler, Eliz 900 950 MWF P
ENG 121 11777 Intro Literature II Wheeler, Eliz 900 1050 UH K
Footer= "P = permission required for ENG grad students, K = Restricted to Majors till 9/19"
WR 198 14960 Independ Writing Proj Dresman, Paul 1500 1620 UH
Footer = "last day to add writing courses is October 1st"
FLR 250 17766 Introduction to Folklore
FLR 411 17768 Folklore & Religion
Footer = "Alpha Priority for FLR 250 Seniors: A-G - Fall, H-O-Winter, P-Z - Spring"
But I think I just figured it out but maybe you have an easier way - I