Grouping Shapes in 2007

  • Thread starter Thread starter Brian
  • Start date Start date


I created the following code in Excel 2003 and it works fine.
With Worksheets("Chart")
With .Shapes("Customgrp").Duplicate
End With
.Shapes("Customdmd").Name = "dmd" & sID
.Shapes("Customlin").Name = "lin" & sID
.Shapes("Customtxt").Name = "txt" & sID
.Shapes("txt" & sID).TextFrame.Characters.Text = ""
.Shapes("lin" & sID).Width = iDur2 * 1.168 - 5
With .Shapes.Range(Array("lin" & sID, "dmd" & sID, "txt"
& sID)).Group
.Name = "grp" & sID
End With
.Shapes("grp" & sID).Visible = True
.Shapes("grp" & sID).Left = lLeft
End With
When I run it in 2007, I get "Error 1004 Group has been disable for Object,"
for the With .Shapes.Range(...) Statement, or something like that. What's
the correct way to group shapes in excel 2007. I don't want to have to
select the object either. Also big picture, what I'm doing is I have a
custom shape that consists of a line a diamond and a text box, I need to
duplicate the custom shape, put something in the text box, and adjust the
width of the line, then put those three shapes back together, name the group,
and then place the group at a particular horizontal location on the
spreadhsheet. So if there's a better way to do it then let me know

Thanks in advance for your help
This is ridiculous but try this

With ActiveSheet
With .Shapes("Customgrp").Duplicate
End With
.Shapes("Customdmd").Name = "tmpName"
.Shapes("Customdmd").Name = "dmd" & sID
.Shapes("tmpName").Name = "Customdmd"

.Shapes("Customlin").Name = "tmpName"
.Shapes("Customlin").Name = "lin" & sID
.Shapes("tmpName").Name = "Customlin"

.Shapes("Customtxt").Name = "tmpName"
.Shapes("Customtxt").Name = "txt" & sID
.Shapes("tmpName").Name = "Customtxt"

.Shapes("txt" & sID).TextFrame.Characters.Text = ""
.Shapes("lin" & sID).Width = iDur2 * 1.168 - 5
With .Shapes.Range(Array("lin" & sID, "dmd" & sID, "txt" & sID)).Group
.Name = "grp" & sID
End With
.Shapes("grp" & sID).Visible = True
.Shapes("grp" & sID).Left = lLeft
End With

Obviously you'll adapt to your original to cater for pre Excel 2007

Peter T
This is a bit cleaner

for testing group a shape(diamond) a line, a textbox named Customdmd,
Customlin & Customtxt respectively and name the group Customgrp

Sub test()
Dim i As Long
Dim iDur2 As Double
Dim sID As String
Dim ws As Worksheet

Set ws = ActiveSheet

For i = 1 To 5
sID = Right$("0" & i, 2)
iDur2 = 50

With ws
With .Shapes("Customgrp").Duplicate
End With

Call NewName(ws, "Customdmd", "dmd" & sID)
Call NewName(ws, "Customlin", "lin" & sID)
Call NewName(ws, "Customtxt", "txt" & sID)

.Shapes("txt" & sID).TextFrame.Characters.Text = ""
.Shapes("lin" & sID).Width = iDur2 * 1.168 - 5

With .Shapes.Range(Array("lin" & sID, "dmd" & sID, "txt" &
.Name = "grp" & sID
End With

.Shapes("grp" & sID).Visible = True
.Shapes("grp" & sID).Left = (i - 1) * 100
End With

End Sub

Function NewName(ws As Worksheet, sName As String, sNewName As String) As
Dim i
With ws.Shapes
For i = .Count To 1 Step -1
If .Item(i).Name = sName Then
.Item(i).Name = sNewName
Exit For
End If
End With
End Function

Peter T
Peter T,

It works like a champ in 2003, even cut down the file size a lttle bit. I'm
going to forward it to my colleague who has 2007 to see if it works.

Thanks a lot for your help