My report is linked to a table. It lists parts in descending order by cost
with a running sum. In the report header I have GT "=Sum([cost])". Also is
GT80 "=([GT]*.8) and GT95 "=([GT]*.95).
In the detail section I have RunningGT, [cost] is a running sum, and unbound
"=IIf([RunningGT]<[GT80],"A",IIf([RunningGT]<[GT95],"B","C"))". This prints
A for all items making up the top 80% of the inventory, B for the next 15%,
and C for the rest.
So far so good. I cannot find a way to group A, B and C. D'oh! I create a
table for the parts in the report. So, if ya'll have a way to figure out
which part is A, B, or C when I create the table, even better, BONUS! TIA!
with a running sum. In the report header I have GT "=Sum([cost])". Also is
GT80 "=([GT]*.8) and GT95 "=([GT]*.95).
In the detail section I have RunningGT, [cost] is a running sum, and unbound
"=IIf([RunningGT]<[GT80],"A",IIf([RunningGT]<[GT95],"B","C"))". This prints
A for all items making up the top 80% of the inventory, B for the next 15%,
and C for the rest.
So far so good. I cannot find a way to group A, B and C. D'oh! I create a
table for the parts in the report. So, if ya'll have a way to figure out
which part is A, B, or C when I create the table, even better, BONUS! TIA!