Office 2007 has a new graphics engine. In Word 2007 there are some features using the new engine and some using the older one
Inserted 'Pictures' and SmartArt, for example, are wrapped by the new engine as 'Microsoft Office Graphic Object' items and don't
group with classic/legacy items by default.
There are several workarounds, to get the old behavior, depending on what type of items you're trying to group including:
1. Insert=>Shape=>New Drawing
and work in a Drawing Canvas
2. Save the file as a Word 97-2003 document, do your grouping then either resave as a Word 2007 document or use Office
Button=>Convert to restore the 2007 mode.
3. Right click on the Quick Access toolbar and choose customize, then in the 'All Commands' section add the 'Disassemble picture'
and 'Select Multiple' objects items to the Quick access toolbar.
Selecting an inserted picture (JPG for example) with 'disassemble picture' will switch it to the Word 2003 behavior. The 'Select
Multiple objects' choice will work when you're in 97-2003 mode or on shapes plus disassembled pictures.
Using Office 2007. In Word 2003 I used to be able to group objects of
different types like a graphic and a picture or a drawing. In Office 2007 I
am not given the option of grouping dissimilar objects. Ideas are
Bob Buckland ?

MS Office System Products MVP
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