Actually, it looks like this:
Team # Player Company | Team # Player Company
1A Player1 CompanyName | 1A Player2 CompanyName
1A Player3 CompanyName | 1A Player4 CompanyName
1B Player1 CompanyName | 1B Player2 CompanyName
1B Player3 CompanyName | 1B Player4 CompanyName
2A Player1 CompanyName | 2A Player2 CompanyName
2A Player3 CompanyName | 2A Player4 CompanyName
2A Player5 CompanyName | 2B Player1 CompanyName
2B Player2 CompanyName
Since there are no more players for team 2B, they're just left off. In my
(corrected) post, the remaining spots for 2B could be left blank (the "2B"
doesn't have to appear for empty slots)
Nick Burns said:
When I use Across Then Down I get this:
Team # Player Company | Team # Player Company
1A Player1 CompanyName | 1A Player2 CompanyName
1A Player3 CompanyName | 1A Player4 CompanyName
1B Player1 CompanyName | 1B Player2 CompanyName
1B Player3 CompanyName | 1B Player4 CompanyName
2A Player1 CompanyName | 2A Player2 CompanyName
2A Player3 CompanyName | 2A Player4 CompanyName
2A Player5 CompanyName | 2B <BLANK>
Is there a setting I'm missing? I have a feeling this will take some VBA,
but not sure what methods I need to modify.
Marshall Barton said:
That looks like it should be Across Then Down, are you sure
you're using Down Then Across?
If you have Down Then Across, then I'll guess that you still
have the group header's New Row or Column set to Yes.
I'm grasping a straws here because, as I understand what you
have, it looks like it should be doing what you want.
MVP [MS Access]
Nick Burns wrote:
The report I want should look like this:
Team # Player Company | Team # Player Company
1A Player1 CompanyName | 1B Player1 CompanyName
1A Player2 CompanyName | 1B Player2 CompanyName
1A Player3 CompanyName | 1B Player3 CompanyName
1A Player4 CompanyName | 1B Player4 CompanyName
2A Player1 CompanyName | 2B Player1 CompanyName
2A Player2 CompanyName | 2B Player2 CompanyName
2A Player3 CompanyName | 2B <BLANK>
2A Player4 CompanyName | 2B <BLANK>
2A Player5 CompanyName | 2B <BLANK>
So two columns is definitly what I need, and the second post gets close
but when it gets done with the two columns, it creates a second page, so
Teams 2A and 2B are on page 2, and Teams 3A and 3B are on page 3, etc.
I need them all on one page until that page is full, then it can make
another page.
I still don't understand what you're looking for, but it
sounds like maybe you want to set the number of columns to 4
or 5.
Be sure you uncheck the column widths box (Page Setup -
Columns) and set the column width manually. Rhis allows the
report and page headers/footers to span the entire page.
You may also want to consider setting the group's (not the
section's) KeepTogether property to the whole group instead
of using New Row or Column.
Nick Burns wrote:
Ok, I'm getting close I have this set:
Column Layout - Down, Then Across
Grid Settings - Number of Columns set to 2
New Row Or Col property setting for group Team# header section - Before
This gets the column to print as wanted, but after the 2nd column is
printed, it creates a new page. Team 2A and 2B are on the second page,
How do I get all the teams to print on one page, and only going to the
second page when page 1 is full?
"Nick Burns" wrote
I have a coworker who needs to create a report as follows (currently
done in Excel 97)
Team # Player Company Team # Player Company1A Player1
Company | 1B Player1 Company1A Player2 Company | 1B
Player2 Company1A Player3 Company | 1B Player3
Player4 Company | 1B Player4
--2A Player1 Company | 2B Player1 Company2A
Company | 2B Player2 Company2A Player3 Company | 2B
<BLANK>2A Player4 Company | 2B <BLANK>2A Player5
Company | 2B <BLANK>