Grouping files into folders

  • Thread starter Thread starter John Moser
  • Start date Start date

John Moser

Can anyone help with this? If one assembles Files into
Folders grouped logically - images, text etc - through
Windows Explorer, then on uploading the site fails to
function. I currently have a list the length of my arm of
files all hanging off the root 'web' folder. Can anyone
advise? Thanks
When working with a FP web, you must maintain the web via FP at all times to
avoid problems, that means the you must open the web in FP via the File Menu
| Open web command whenever you want to work on your site, this way FP will
maintain your links between pages and keep the links relative to the current
open web.

Never use Windows Explorer or other applications to move, rename files
within a FP web and always import any content that is to be used in your
web, into the current open FP web prior to using or linking to it.


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.
You should never use Windows Explorer to manage your web site. It's not just
a collection of files and folders. It's a web site. You need to do all of
your web site file and folder maintenance through FrontPage.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft FrontPage MVP
Internet Developer
Some things just happen.
Everything else occurs.